Mage Power


New Member
After seeing that video on the 2 mages, I thought that maybe I should roll another mage..... I really miss my 60 fire mage. :confused: I leveled it up with another mage and sometimes there were 3 of us mages leveling. It was LOTS and LOTS of fun. Mass sheeping and arcane explosion is AWESOME!!!! :p We took a group of 5 mages into Blackfathom Depths. That was LOTS of fun too. hehe
I know I am planning to make a mage once 1.11 is out, but if there are people doing it ahead of time I might join the masses.
I think they had the most fun laughing at me. I began gouping with them around the mid 20s with my rogue. I would stealth, then start sneaking up to the mobs for a Cheap Shot. Next thing I see are three mages charging past me yelling battles cries. By the time I tip-toed up to them, all the mobs were dead. So, I stopped stealthing and just charged along with them. Sinister Strike for one Combo Point. Sinister Strike for two Combo Points. Then, "Hey, you! Get up. I haven't even Eviscerated you yet!" Grr.

They quickly out-leveled me because while I was slaving away at work, they were AoE grinding. So, I jumped on my druid around level 32ish. Being the responsible player I am, I stayed in bear form to tank. After all, everybody knows mages are squishies and can't take the aggro. I charged the mobs and let out a ferocious roar (whatever that aggro builder shout thingy is) and start swatting the mobs. Except the mobs aren't anywhere around to swat. Yep, those squishies were tanking again. Grrrrrr.

I go to work the next day, and when I come home, the mages are now level 45ish. Gotta love that AoE grind. So I jump on my 45 shadow priest. Fort buff, Fort buff, Fort buff. Watch three mages AoE. Watch three mages drink. /Yawn. Rinse, repeat. Everything dies before they need healing. Everything dies before my DoTs take full effect. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Get bored, go play COD2.

There was a fun side to it all: We would chase down alliance that were 10 levels higher than us and send them to the grave. :D For the Horde!!!!

Nerf mages. Uh, wait a sec. I'm leveling one now, diregard.
I personally have not tried AoE grinding because I spec'ed into the Fire Tree first. I can do a ton of damage with Fireball and Fireblast, however I lack with AoE a little due to I do not have instant AE. That will change though with the patch. YAY! At level 43, I already have +43 Fire Damage. :) I will be adding to that this evening however when I quest for my upgraded boots.

One thing that I did find funny is this. I had to share. The other night, I went through SM with a guildie and a PuG. I am not used to grouping with my mage. I'm used to grouping with my priest and having to ask for water. Well, while playing my mage, I almost asked for water from the group. lol. Would have been odd for a mage to ask the rest of the group for water. Later, the priest in the group asked me for water and I looked at the text kinda wierd wondering what he was talking about. Then it dawned on me, "oh yea, I'm suppose to make that stuff". lol Just had to share my random wierd moment with you all. :)
I was laughing so hard while reading my dear hubbies response. It is just about true. hehe But it was VERY fun. Reason, my mage is fire spec'd too. I just did enough arcane to get instant arcane explosion. The rest is fire. The mage I mainly leveled with was arcane. Then the 3rd mage was frost spec'd. But we could do some massive damage. And yes, we pvp'd with it and did very well. I am game to do this again just because it is so much fun.

Reason, that is funny about the water. I can just see that happening. Like I tell my hubby, that is a mage now, ALWAYS make a bunch a water AS soon as you log on.

Well, I was going to wait to make a mage with the new race, but I may not be able to wait that long. hehe
I can see it now...1.11 comes out and The Forgiven becomes a guild with 20+ Draeni (sp?) mages who power level to 60 within a very short time because of AOE :D Awesome!!
[7F]North said:
I can see it now...1.11 comes out and The Forgiven becomes a guild with 20+ Draeni (sp?) mages who power level to 60 within a very short time because of AOE :D Awesome!!

Actually, that kinda sounds like fun. Five mages runnin' around w/ instant AE. :eek:
SamIam said:
Actually, that kinda sounds like fun. Five mages runnin' around w/ instant AE. :eek:

I'm up for it actually. However, I want to see the final class list before I go with the Mage class. I want a druid for healing purposes so Reason can be my damage dealer. Maybe I'll run around and be the healing guy for all of the AoE mages. :)

Edit: Looking through all of the pictures of the Draenei, it looks like Warriors, Pallys, Locks, Hunters, and Priests. No druids. :_-( *sniff*
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