Making sense


New Member
Hello. As some of you are aware . I made the choice to turn away from video games because I felt God had different pans for me and that it became an addiction.

But I am starting to doubt; did I make the right choice ?

Since I believed and accepted Jesus as lord and savior . I feel I made a lot of bad choices due to taking God's word out of context due to misunderstanding it.I'll be completely open and honest. I enjoy video games perhaps a bit too much and before I became a believer of Jesus . All I would do is play video games. Don't get me wrong . I am glad I became a Christian. I came to know the Lord through Christian outreach in a time span of 5 years.

Prior to becoming a Christian . I played video games because it was an escape for me and the mental problems I have to deal with. I have autism; meaning I have a lot of difficulty processing information and I feel this affects my decision making.

I love Jesus and I want to live for him and yet it feels that every thing I have done has dishonoured him in some way. I am constantly second guessing every choice I make and I ask the Lord for clarity and good wisdom.

I want to be set free from all my sins.

I had a hope to become a musician and glorify God through a music ministry. But I gave it up because I felt it was a dying dream. Now I don't even know what Jesus's purposes for me.

I even wonder because I have played video games for so long. Has that activity start to impact my sense of Judgement.

I need help and I know that Jesus can help me and yet I feel like I am stumbling every day.
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I'll be praying for you.

Don't second guess, pray. Talk and listen to God. That means read the Bible and pray. If your gaming was unhealthy for you it may have been good to get away. If you were using it as a crutch, as you state, then it wasn't what God wanted for you.

Now should you quit gaming entirely, I don't know. If that's what God has in store for you then maybe so. However I think that in moderation, and for enjoyment or entertainment, or fellowship (in case of online gaming) it could be good for you to play games. As long as you're not using them as your crutch.

Jesus died for you. He loves you, and as such he wants to be your crutch. Take 15-20 minutes a day and just sit down and read The Word. It may be a chapter, it may be a verse, it may be an entire book. Just spend quiet time with God. Pray throughout the day, pray for guidance and for comfort.

Be steadfast, don't give up. The enemy is really good at trying to distract us or get us 'down'... If you stick with it, pray continually, let God take care of your problems, you will be free.

16 But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
2 Corinthians 3:16–17 ESV

27 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.”
Mark 10:27 ESV
Thank you for your guidance. Yesterday evening I felt the spirit telling me I needed to take a break. I did spend some time in prayer with God and I feel he has told me that video games are okay , but to no longer yes it as a crutch. I have to learn to master sin over me and make sure that it doesn't become an idol.

I like the fellowship with other Christians. So I left my old guild due to personal reasons and I felt God wants me to be with other believers and am in the search of finding a new Christian guild.
Please pray for the Lord to give me strength to repent from my sins. To not give into the lies of Satan and to be totally obedient to the word of God.

I need the holy spirit to help me interpret God's word and to feed on it. God is loving and merciful and I know he loves me . But I need faith and help to learn how to live the Christian life . I am also thinking I need discipleship.

Please pray to God for me good wisdom. I am also considering getting a study guide that will help me learn how to read the bible and I also need to learn how do I reflect and take time to rest in the Lord.

I seek my brothers and sisters in Christ for help. Because I know that without Jesus I am dead.

The last thing I want to mention is my church. My church is going through a major transition right now and I'm starting to wonder if this church is the right one for me . 2 years ago I thought it was and so I became a member just after my baptism.

But I am starting to have doubts.
I just wanted to chime in and share a few encouraging words as well.

Christianity in America is often presented as an addition to your life. Churches appeal to potential members by highlighting what they can receive from the church rather than what they can give. This is not exclusive to modern America (read the book of Amos for more on that), but much of the "consumer-oriented" approach does run counter to Scripture.

American Christianity is quick to trot out verses like Jeremiah 29:11 (more often than not neglecting the context of the verse) and tell you, "Everything's going to be okay," which, granted, is true from a wider perspective.

But the faith that perseveres learns how to grieve, to suffer, to weep, and to wrestle with fears and doubts. A faith that pushes these aside more closely resembles superstition than legitimate Christianity.

I say all that as preface; my purpose in writing is to strongly encourage you to persevere, especially when life is difficult. Christ is not only with us when we feel "warm and fuzzy," but when we cry out to him in pain and in prayer. It is often during these times when His presence and His compassion can be felt most intensely.

Studying Scripture and church history has shown me that our faith is made of much sterner stuff than self-help books with moral guidelines. We serve the living God and a savior who never leaves us nor forsakes us.

Cling to the faith.
I say all that as preface; my purpose in writing is to strongly encourage you to persevere, especially when life is difficult. Christ is not only with us when we feel "warm and fuzzy," but when we cry out to him in pain and in prayer. It is often during these times when His presence and His compassion can be felt most intensely.

Foot Prints comes to mind.....