MC Jan 11/2006


New Member
This was taken from Brunhilda's post on the HK site about this week's MC roster. FJ tried to get Draaco in place of himself but another hunter was moved into the group since there were 6 warriors to begin with. Never fear, if you're not on the roster and have signed up with HK for MC, some of us will do our best to get you in if your class is needed and you are available(do not rely on summon to the instance if you get added to the raid).

IMPORTANT: Let someone know (brunhilda or any other guildee going, best option is to post on the forums) if you cannot make it to the raid (don't need to give an explanation, just notifying is good). If you're going to be late, let people know (guesstimate time available) otherwise your spot is given to a standby/pull-in.

Brunhilda said:
FORMATION TIME IS: 5:00pm Server. Ontime bonus is in instance at 5:30pm server.

If you would like to be swapped out of any of the following spots please let me know and I'll see what I can accomodate.

(set) = this group will not change unless one of them cannot make it.

(unset) = more to be added/changed

Paladins: (unset)

Allan (Wed. Only) Tanthalas (Sunday)
Sandric (Wed. Only) Boogabooga
Scipo (Wed. Only) Brict (Sunday)

Standby: (unset)


Mages: (unset)

Crimsonfrost (Wed. Only) Neesa (Sunday)
Chllone (Wed. Only/except Mag)
Yeager (Mag only/All Sunday)
Drazmic (Wed) Mozenwrath (Sunday)
Klangdon (Wed. Only) Melko (Sunday)



Warlocks: (unset)

Petri (wed. Only) Linoe (Sunday)
Mandappy (---> Mag) Goblit



Warriors: (set)

Fjorburg (Sunday)
Kyrias (Sunday)



priests: (set)

Icthuus (Wed. Only) Avester (Sunday)
Asheron (Wed. Only) Beastl
Tiir (wed. Only) Seana


Druids: (set)

Absalom (Wed. Only) Estrella
Samuris (Wed. Only) Araho (Sunday)


Hunters: (set)

Pearlulous (Wed. Only) Nebula (Sunday)
Yhetti (Wed. Only) Fishfan (Sunday)
Tyla (Wed. Only) Tofolas (Sunday)
Stalarian (Wed. Only)


Rogues: (set)

Tremulant (Wed. Only) Aridius (Sunday)
Bears (Wed. Only) Tigerjl (Sunday)


Anch (Redeemed?)
Reiver (Redeemed?)
I am not entirely happy with the current situation with HK ie. giving my DKP to others in their guild, inability for our members to get accounts on their forums, the d/e rules etc.... and have begun researching options for me and other guild members to get experience in MC. I will keep the raid coordinators informed of my findings.
My computer currently does not have enough memory to run a big raid.

I can get on and do stuff where there are not many people. But, if i go to IF or get near a heavily populated area with lots of graphics I cannot play.

Do I need to try and contact them about my current situation?
Goblit said:
I am not entirely happy with the current situation with HK ie. giving my DKP to others in their guild, inability for our members to get accounts on their forums, the d/e rules etc.... and have begun researching options for me and other guild members to get experience in MC. I will keep the raid coordinators informed of my findings.

That doesn't sound fair at all, but of course I've never done an MC run so mabye I'm missing something. About the alternative options, the chapter website states that we have an alliance with roadkill to do MC runs with them, is that info outdated?
Icthus said:
Do I need to try and contact them about my current situation?

Go to their website and post that your computer cannot hold the lag in populayed areas. so rry to hear that icthus, ive been there too =\
shadetaker said:
That doesn't sound fair at all, but of course I've never done an MC run so mabye I'm missing something. About the alternative options, the chapter website states that we have an alliance with roadkill to do MC runs with them, is that info outdated?

yes that info is outdated...

and Goblit did you talk to them about your dkp? what do you mean they gave your dkp to someone else? If they don't update your dkp or make an error let em know ASAP. If the person in charge doesn't fix it, then last resort should be talking to Brunhilda...

btw if you're thinking about starting a new will be again going through tons of weeks where Redeemed members will have to sit and wait for their turn. If you start from scratch with another guild..its back to square one...learning to play as a group, wiping at trash mobs...etc
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I know what goblits frustrations are. HK will allow new Redeemed members in on their second raid, and in order to do that, they will swap Redeemed members for Redeemed members. If you look at the line up, melko and klangdon swap, icthus and I swap. Its not really fair to either person in the swap in that we share DKP and neither realy catch up to the HK members. Its hard enough to keep up with them in so far as they get 60 more DKP for getting Onyxia keyed and their weekly Onyxia attempts now we are splitting DKP with our own members.

Basically, this means that Redeemed member get gear based on a filtered down effect, we might as well not earn any DKP. We will only get set items if all the other people in that class have the item. And we only have a chance at non-set items (weapons and the like) if nobody else actually wants them.

Now, if you want to do MC for the phat lewtz, it will be a long time coming for you under this method, and I mean a long time coming. I've been running MC with HK for months and have only managed one piece of Prophecy.

This is why I've been trying to run ZG for guild members. The class set items that come out of there are basicaly a step sides ways and a small step backwards from MC gear. The major differences between the MC set armor and the ZG set armor is basically ZG armor does not have fire and shadow resistances. Other then that the stats are nearly on par and sometimes better then MC, set peices are quest and reputation related, not drop related. Which means if you want them, you have to show up and grind some faction with us. Its that simple.

Also the difference between MC and ZG is mostly in the ego. MC gear is required to progress into BWL. Its not required to do PVP, its not required to do the new Silithus 20 man instance, its not required to do Onyxia, its not required to do Zul'Gurub. As a matter of fact, if you put a person decked on in full MC epic set armor against somebody in their rank 10 blue PvP armor and each use the same quality weapons, the person in their PvP armor will defeat the person in their MC armor everytime because that is how the PvP armor is designed.

Redeemed is a long way off from doing MC on its own, and even a further long way off from doing BWL on its own. But we can do ZG and get the really great armor from there. We probably can set up an alliance with a few other smaller guilds and start a weekly Onyxia run where smart execution of the Ony strategies means fire resist gear isn't really important. As a matter of fact, the new AQ20 man raid is slightly easier then ZG and has armor that will help defeat ZG.

I think people need to get out of the MC gear is the best in the game mode, because for our guild, it simply isn't.
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I would like to clarify my concerns with the DKP: I have been committed to this group and for some reason they still pull be for the first 2 bosses? I haven't got loot from them yet and I'm concerned that I am losing DKP when I am already way behind HK's warlocks and it will be impossible to catch up if I only get a smaller portion each week. IF they do Onyxia...they get 11 DKP and I am losing 2 bosses which is 8 they are getting 19 DKP ahead every week.....

There is no one from Redeemed to replace me as there are no other warlocks, so Redeemed loses their spot when they pull me so its not as if I am sharing with a fellow guildie either.

I sincerely hope that we start getting enough people out to ZG so we can start getting those in our guild geared up because if we wait for this alliance in MC it will take years....or we will have 40 members with one piece and are very frustrated.

It is a great alliance to get the experience of MC...just don't expect much for loot.....I had to talk a fellow guildie into staying on Sunday's run because he wasn't happy with they way things are going either.

My account on their forums has been denied as was alot of others in our guild...which makes it impossible for them to sign up....I have to still speak to the person responsible and straighten that out.

And now we are penalised and lose half our DKP for a boss if we have to d/e an item? We don't get to pick who comes on the run but we get to lose the DKP and are supposed to like it?

And the language that they have been using now that Brunhilda has left the group.....I won't let my son take over my toon now when I make dinner.....

Zul Gurub and keeping it in the guild...that is what I am looking forward to.
If they have to d/e an item the boss drops then everyone in the raid only gets half DKP for the boss.
Gods_Peon said:
I know what goblits frustrations are. HK will allow new Redeemed members in on their second raid, and in order to do that, they will swap Redeemed members for Redeemed members. If you look at the line up, melko and klangdon swap, icthus and I swap. Its not really fair to either person in the swap in that we share DKP and neither realy catch up to the HK members. Its hard enough to keep up with them in so far as they get 60 more DKP for getting Onyxia keyed and their weekly Onyxia attempts now we are splitting DKP with our own members.

Basically, this means that Redeemed member get gear based on a filtered down effect, we might as well not earn any DKP. We will only get set items if all the other people in that class have the item. And we only have a chance at non-set items (weapons and the like) if nobody else actually wants them.

Now, if you want to do MC for the phat lewtz, it will be a long time coming for you under this method, and I mean a long time coming. I've been running MC with HK for months and have only managed one piece of Prophecy.

This is why I've been trying to run ZG for guild members. The class set items that come out of there are basicaly a step sides ways and a small step backwards from MC gear. The major differences between the MC set armor and the ZG set armor is basically ZG armor does not have fire and shadow resistances. Other then that the stats are nearly on par and sometimes better then MC, set peices are quest and reputation related, not drop related. Which means if you want them, you have to show up and grind some faction with us. Its that simple.

Also the difference between MC and ZG is mostly in the ego. MC gear is required to progress into BWL. Its not required to do PVP, its not required to do the new Silithus 20 man instance, its not required to do Onyxia, its not required to do Zul'Gurub. As a matter of fact, if you put a person decked on in full MC epic set armor against somebody in their rank 10 blue PvP armor and each use the same quality weapons, the person in their PvP armor will defeat the person in their MC armor everytime because that is how the PvP armor is designed.

Redeemed is a long way off from doing MC on its own, and even a further long way off from doing BWL on its own. But we can do ZG and get the really great armor from there. We probably can set up an alliance with a few other smaller guilds and start a weekly Onyxia run where smart execution of the Ony strategies means fire resist gear isn't really important. As a matter of fact, the new AQ20 man raid is slightly easier then ZG and has armor that will help defeat ZG.

I think people need to get out of the MC gear is the best in the game mode, because for our guild, it simply isn't.


Goblit said:
I would like to clarify my concerns with the DKP: I have been committed to this group and for some reason they still pull be for the first 2 bosses? I haven't got loot from them yet and I'm concerned that I am losing DKP when I am already way behind HK's warlocks and it will be impossible to catch up if I only get a smaller portion each week. IF they do Onyxia...they get 11 DKP and I am losing 2 bosses which is 8 they are getting 19 DKP ahead every week.....

There is no one from Redeemed to replace me as there are no other warlocks, so Redeemed loses their spot when they pull me so its not as if I am sharing with a fellow guildie either.

I sincerely hope that we start getting enough people out to ZG so we can start getting those in our guild geared up because if we wait for this alliance in MC it will take years....or we will have 40 members with one piece and are very frustrated.

It is a great alliance to get the experience of MC...just don't expect much for loot.....I had to talk a fellow guildie into staying on Sunday's run because he wasn't happy with they way things are going either.

My account on their forums has been denied as was alot of others in our guild...which makes it impossible for them to sign up....I have to still speak to the person responsible and straighten that out.

And now we are penalised and lose half our DKP for a boss if we have to d/e an item? We don't get to pick who comes on the run but we get to lose the DKP and are supposed to like it?

And the language that they have been using now that Brunhilda has left the group.....I won't let my son take over my toon now when I make dinner.....

Zul Gurub and keeping it in the guild...that is what I am looking forward to.

As most of you know i wasnt too happy with how HK keeps their DKP, and how little Redeemed members get to run MC with HK. We are a much smaller guild and they have more than enough people to run MC, which brings me to my first point: why dont we get picked first? Only about 7-10 people from redeemed go on the raids from what ive seen and the rest are almost all HK members. I dont think it would hurt to ask them if Redeemed got the first invites. Whats this about the D/Eing rule? If we have to De an item we loose half our DKP? If i didnt know better id say that it sounds like we are getting taken advantage of. One may say that it seems like they are simply using us as fillers, rather than helping us get epic items. Klang has 58 DKP after 3 or 4 runs, but on the 3rd or 4th run my DKP was updated to give me the full (actual) amount. If redeemed doesnt get the first pick, and Hk members are running MC AND Onyxia, they are slowly pulling away from Redeemed members with their DKP. Then how are we ever supposed to get loot?

We need to run ZG by ourselves, otherwise we will have to get used to being taken advantage of.
I find it kind of hard two. I have been on three runs so far, spent 8+ hours and only have 12 dkp to show for it. One run, we didn't even make it to a boss before I had to leave 2 hours into the run. At best, for 2-4 hours per week I can look at adding 8-12 points. It will be at least another 4 weeks before I'll even have enough to purchase a single item which looks to average at 50 dkp. At that point I will be woefully behind the other pallies.

I have much more fun running ZG with you guys anyways.
I had a great Idea, though the liklihood of it working is slim to none. If Blizzard ever frees up server transfers so that you can transfer to any server you want, we should convince any other alliance christian guilds in existence to move to stonemaul and if not form one big guild at least have an alliance with equality for everyone. Then we could do raids and stuff entirely on our own strength. Too bad it will probably never happen, oh well, we can always dream...
I get the feeling that I am the only one that is enjoying raiding with HK :(.

If you find that this alliance with HK is unfair and is a waste of your time, you have the option of not going with them. There are always more guilds out there looking for people for end game stuff. I am sorry if I have ever forced someone to MC againt their will.
I enjoy raiding as well. Getting the gear is going to be an uphill battle. And if you look at the gear and the stats on it, its gear that will help in MC (fire and shadow resists) and progress you into BWL. But over all, its not as functional as other gear. If you look at the ZG class set rewards, you get a better all-round set. Its something that will do good in PvP and in PvE. The class specific enchants are amazing. If you are looking to tweak your toon out to be effective in all situations, ZG is the place to be.

Here is a link to class quest specific rewards.

These are also rewards that are earned by guildies and stay in the guild. It is the perfect alternative to MC. Its a perfect oportunity for the guild to work together towards a goal.
lanki said:
I get the feeling that I am the only one that is enjoying raiding with HK :(.

If you find that this alliance with HK is unfair and is a waste of your time, you have the option of not going with them. There are always more guilds out there looking for people for end game stuff. I am sorry if I have ever forced someone to MC againt their will.

I think you are misunderstanding why people are having issues with the current MC run. It is not that they are not having fun, because they are enjoying themselves and having fun.

I'll give you an example of my own frustration. On Wednesdays run, the Pants of Prophecy dropped. Milanna won them because she had more DKP even though I have run more MC more then she has. The determining factor was that she had an extra 99 DKP (60 from Ony key and 3 onyxia runs) that I had no access too. If you were to add 99 points to me to recognize that I am Ony Keyed and doing say three runs as well, I'd be right behind Dagroth in who would be next to be awarded a drop with 325 points, not 3rd, 4th or 5th, depending on who went to Onyxia that week. Under such wishful thinking, subtracting 50 points from the 325, I would have 275 points, at the same level as Beastl, which would be more of an actual representation of where I would be standing.

There are really only three ways to solve this:

1. Approach HK and ask them to recognize our members for Ony runs. While Brun has mentioned that this is a possibility, no action has been taken.

2. Quit Redeemed and join HK. This will give you access to the Ony DKP that we don't have access to. It would certainly bring people who do this right up to a more fair standing in DKP with other HK members.

3. Quit running MC altogether and just let bygones be bygones. This puts HK into a rough position and puts Redeemed into a bad light.

There is a lot of emotion by many members of redeemed who have showed up to every run, put in the exact same effort as HK members yet see their position on the reward ladder slip week by week even though we aren't spending our points on anything.