MC run


Member, Dreamcast Fishing Guru
i am planning on putting my own together that will be a pick up raid for the most part.

i would like to get as many redeemed in as possible, and possibly use our TS server for it.

The plan date is about 3 weeks from this saturday (july 23rd) hopefully i should be back.

Loot rules are simple everyone who can use and all will Random 100 for it, if you show up on time and to the raid you get a +1 to your roll, if you supply health potions/mana potions or fire absorb potions you will also gain a+1 (total of +2 at most).

i would like to get kammy/couture/Stoop to go with me also as they are experience and we will be taking mostly inexperienced people, i realize all of us have a chance to go with the uber raiding guilds, but this is a chance to establish good relations on the server, putting our guild name out there, while teaching not only our own members but also some other guilds members what the MC encounter is like.
Daralis Halo said:
Level req.? : )

Its end game content so lvl 60 :) unless u're a priest and the team is short and desperate then you can prbly get in at 56...

Whoever plans to go will have to do the Attunement of Core quest which is obtained at lvl 55 i believe. Contact us and we can arrange a time/date to get this done as well.

I'm up for this...I would really like to go with Stoop but if we're short on healers I can take Qayla...

think you can sneak stoop into any other MC raids and try to get an tranq shot before hand?
as far as lower lvls, healers and maybe a paladin (holyspecc with atleast 6k mana unbuffed) i would let go at lvl 58 but they MUST have atunement to the core done and also CT raid assist found at
Family and I are going camping that weekend :( I would love to go back to MC, just not a good weekend for me. Sorry LoJ :(

Have tonnes of fun and take down Luci and Mag :)