meh page


New Member
hey all, I recently got into photography. And I made a small page today with a few of meh pics, the web design is nothing great (I'm still learning) plus I didn't put to much effort into it, but I had fun with it. So check it out
I'll be visiting as soon as i finish sthis tinkin studies
i get like no free time these days >_< i bearly got a time to post 1 message.
those look very nice.

btw - you might get more action with feedback if you use a cgi script to handle form input instead of email.
Now if u put it that way Micah.. Im gonna hav to wrk double :\ so far i gotten to the easy part of it. WHEW! it takes me all day to finish a chapter or half >_<
-Wow, you have a pretty interesting backyard

-Are you using a digital camera?....the photo quality is excellent....

-gl with your studies flash...I went through the same the same problem when I was studying for A+ certification and finals, and I know exactly how you feel. U r in our prayers
Thx, not all of those r in my backyard tho :p only the pic of meh garage. And ya, I'm useing a Digital. I still gotta get my camara stats up on my page tho.

God bless
Thx, not all of those r in my backyard tho :p only the pic of meh garage. And ya, I'm useing a Digital. I still gotta get my camara stats up on my page tho.

God bless
double post=nothin compared to triple post=nothin compared to crazy post=nothin compared to crazy's crazy post

Spam has been complete!
Crazy_leg wins!

lol some thin like spam-strike
lol, ya crazy wins, you shoulda seen the spam message I got on aim last nite from him. He was getting me back for never being on AIM, and he gave me like 100 lines of spam. And yes, I actually sat there and read it o_O
lol dg!!! AHHAHAHA, i didnt think ud sit down and read all 100 lines.. i was just bored, i was gonna spam the 1god forums, but i decided to change it up
... and so i officially win the "spam eryn award!" lol... but yeah, spammin u eryn was really fun, i should do it again sometime soon
lol Crazy, and I bet I'd sit there and read it all, again. Just one of the many downsides of being blonde. Lol, ya, u win the "spam eryn award" untill somone else comes around and steals it.
Those are really great pictures, you've got an eye for finding interesting things to take pictures of. I had a picture of this road sign that said dead end with icecicles hanging off of it (lots of them), it was really cool but I lost it in a hard disk reformat. By the way I took that picture in april in wisconsin.
lol, ya flash I know what u mean (I cant even read your spam) Que that pic sounds really cool, wish I coulda seen it. I cant wait for winter, I really wanna get some pics of ice (Ice can make a photo really interesting) But fall is what I'm really looking forward to. I've already got some photo ideas I wanna take in the fall.