Mike & Bob's ICC Run

I think we have a Sunday School party Saturday so I might not be back in time. Friday would probably work though.

Woo Tee Woot on us getting to LK! His days are numbered.

We spent a lot of time banging our heads on Sindragosa and finally got her down. The Blood Queen went down much more quickly despite the efforts of an overzealous hunter...

The Lich King awaits and we need to be up to the task. Please research the fight and Alan if you read this, any pointers on the LK fight would be most welcome.

Seriously tho, feel free to ask me questions, and when I have a bit more time I'll try remember how to do this fight. We're working on the heroic version of him, and having to remember basic things about the fight, haha.
bob, to beat him, u need more health in the end with at least one guy then he does, i know u still a noob but this really works and even better then any other u can get :O
One of the more fundamental strats in the fight is making sure that a Val'kyr carrying one of your raid members never flies over a Defile. If this happens, none of your melee will be able to dps/stun/slow the Val'kyr, making it difficult to kill her before she drops the person off the platform.

To deal with this, the raid and tank follows a certain pattern. Imagine a clock, with LK's throne at about 12 o'clock. The tank will tank LK near the middle, perhaps just slightly off of center, with LK's back toward 10:00. The raid will tuck in nice and tight behind LK, lined up with roughly 10:00. This way the raid is near the center of the platform, maximizing the distance a val'kyr has to travel. Being clustered tight controls the path the val'kyr takes out from the center.

When LK casts Defile, the person targeted with Defile runs out of the group toward 12:00, and the rest of the raid moves the opposite direction, to help quickly maximize the distance from the person with Defile. The whole raid then sets up in the same pattern as before, but on the other side of the platform, lined up with about 4:00. This forces the val'kyr to travel along 4:00, avoiding the Defile now at 12:00. When the next Defile comes, that person runs to 6:00, while everyone else runs away from them. Repeat.

When the time comes to prepare for the transition to phase 2.5, have the whole raid stay together and follow the val'kyr out as it flies to the edge of the platform. This puts you in an optimal position to jump on the platforms as they reappear.

Dealing with the combination of Val'kyr and Defile in Phase 2 is likely the hardest part of this fight. Get this down solid and LK is in the bag.
Bob, typically you're going to have one Spirit still up as you go into Phase 2. You just have to bring him with you as you go back to LK (remember to keep him pointed away from the raid), and have dps burn him down first.
Nice Progress Last Night and This Upcoming Weekend

So we got to the 2nd Defile and were able to burn down Valkyrs which was encouraging. I would ask that you all take a few moments to re-watch some LK fight videos and look where raiders are positioning themselves in Phase II during defiles:


We can definitely get through this part and on to Phase III.

Also - please check your in-game WoW calendar and let me know here or in-game on your ability to run this Friday (the 17th) vs. Saturday.

Thank you. :D
I have a couple business trips coming up. I won't be available:

27 Sep
23-29 Oct
1 Nov

Y'all better not get the LK down while I'm gone!
And I am tentative for Sat. the 25th. Might have a family party to celebrate my Dad's 65th. I will know more on Fri.