Monthly Tips


Legacy of Elijah Officer
I love love LOVE Elhanan's Daily Tips thread and was hoping you guys had equally great ideas for Monthlies... For me, I'm doing okay on Events (I try to do a few more than minimum while I'm doing dailies) and I understand how to get Dungeons (go do some more dungeons!)... But I'm not nearly on track for salvaging.

My normal pace of salvaging low-merch whites is not cutting the mustard remotely. Do you guys have any good ideas? Do you buy things off the TP? Do you just start salvaging everything that drops?

I really want to get the monthly this month because I feel like I finally have a shot at it... but I don't want to go broke doing it.

Also any other good tips for nailing the monthlies would be great too.
I stopped playing awhile ago when the Steam winter event hit, but until that time, I pretty much salvage everything unless it sells on the TP semi-decently (ie over 30s; price of 1 ecto when I stopped playing) until I got the required amount. Then nearly everything was vendored except the TP items or the rares/exotics. Never had a problem. The cheap salvage kits are much more cost-effective and then only use the master/mystic ones for ecto salvages. You could find the cheapest selling salvaging item on the TP and buy in bulk, if you had to.

No need to salvage greens or buy from TP. Simply salvage blues this month until you get monthly. They don't merch for much more and you get vastly more blues than you do whites. Think about what happens when you go to the merch - CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK on selling alllllll those blues, then salvage the few whites you have left.
I've bumped up my salvaging to include everything white and everything blue unless it will merch for more than 60-70 at which point I figure I can just buy a bunch of little stuff off the TP with the profit. I'm still not advancing at a rate to hit my mark by the end of the month.

I figure I have a level 2 character (for storage) who can buy armor pieces for 40c from the vendor... so that's my floor... I've taken to wandering the TP snatching up things that come in for less than 40 and putting in some smallish buy orders. I may end up having to just buy a ton of stuff near the end of the month.

I want to get the monthly at least once to try it out... but I may not shoot for it again, because I feel like I'm losing a lot of profit on this salvage kick.

P.S. You know what I DON'T miss from GW1? Identification kits. There's a gameplay element I was happy to leave behind!