Movie game

Great movie CCGR, That's 4 weddings and a funeral.

My quote, or reasonable facsimile is:

"He died in his own vomit. Well, it wasn't really his vomit..."
Well, I've never seen it, but a quick google search reveals that it is:

This Is Spinal Tap

next quote

"Lorraine, my density has bought me to you."
Well, Shark was supposed to post the next quote, but since he didn't...;-).

"Well, my mom couldn't pay her power bill, so the company shut off her power. And then I shut off theirs. The entire Los Angeles grid. See how they liked it."
Thats because waiting for confirmation is the proper way to go about it. Quit trying to steal peoples turns you filthy noob.
"My biological clock is tickin' like this and the way this case is goin', I ain't never gettin' married."
wooooooo! heres another hair brained quote that the first person who reads this will recognize, "Whos more foolish, the fool, or the fool that follows him?"