Moving on


New Member
Well I am going to beyond my comfort zone and say that I have decided to end my gaming due to various reasons.

I've been playing video games since the age of 5 and over the years while it was a lot of fun , gaming in my adult years became an addiction. Now I wasn't aware of this until I found Jesus and I know that by becoming a follower things would have to change .

Over the last 3 years I have caused a lot of damage to myself and although I love the fellowship in TOJ/CGA I have learned that the Lord gives and takes away.

I was finally able to get rid of my television set because I no longer desires to watch tv , as for my video games; thanks to God I was able to take the first meaningful step and gave the console to my girlfriend .

We are hopeing that with this step video games will no longer become a stronghold.

God has called me to music and to return to school 3 years ago and I have wavered back and forth with this calling , but I have learned that the longer I deny Jesus into my life the more I will be spiritually dead.

Jesus said those who lose their life , will find it in him.

So as I humble myself and surrender myself to Jesus and his will it was a pleasure to be with Toj/CGA and I wish you guys all the best.
A very spiritually mature take on the subject, blessings as you walk a different road with Him.
Thank you for sharing your experience and your decision. I can't imagine that it was an easy decision, but I trust that you'll find the strength in Christ to stand by your choice.

On a personal note, I also thank you for recognizing that stopping playing games was what God desired you to do while not trying to push that individual and specific call on others. There are general commands given to all Christians, which we all should follow, but there are also specific instructions given to individuals. I thank you for knowing the difference.

I wish you the best in your choice and trust that you will find great blessings in following it. I pray that this community will be an encouragement to you and to anyone else who receives the same instruction from the Lord. Gaming is a fun hobby but we are called to sanctified lives where our dedication, worship, and service to Christ take precedence over all else. That love for Christ may find different expressions in different people and different cultures, but we are called to make it the foundation of our lives.
Thank you so much brothers and sisters In Christ . A part of me would like to continue to be apart of the community here on the forums , But I am worried that I will be tempted back into video games and I must be very cautious in what topics I can post my thoughts on.

I thought you all be happy to hear , I was able to confess this addiction to members at my church and I have a friend who is willing to help me with this issue and give me some accountability.