Moving to Germany


New Member
Just got the fantastic news that I landed a prestigious post-doctoral fellowship in Germany at Tuebingen. My wife and I are both excited and terrified at the same time.

I have noticed that there are one or two German based members here and wanted to know if I could pick your brains.
But...but how will I visit you at your beach house in Australia if you're in Germany?

Its OK Tek, dont cry, i'll be living near the Rhine and that is still made of water. :D

IN any case thanks for the kind words all. I will not be on here much in between organizing, learning German, and finishing of the PhD but I hear they even have the internet in Germany so I will still be around.
Just got the fantastic news that I landed a prestigious post-doctoral fellowship in Germany at Tuebingen. My wife and I are both excited and terrified at the same time.

I have noticed that there are one or two German based members here and wanted to know if I could pick your brains.

Blackbeard is there.
Yes, but games in Germany, while not subject to Australia's infamous delay-of-game, are the most censored in the world.

Cheers to green gore and never shooting a bipedal enemy that even remotely looks like a human!
Yes, but games in Germany, while not subject to Australia's infamous delay-of-game, are the most censored in the world.

Cheers to green gore and never shooting a bipedal enemy that even remotely looks like a human!
And don't forget swastikas: Wolfenstein Recalled in Germany

EDIT: And Gears of War.

And possibly entire game development studios.

And possibly all violent games.

EDIT #2: The irony in all this? By moving from Australia to Germany, he may get to play more games. Check out the list of games banned in Australia.

Although, quite frankly, after looking over that list, I don't think Australians are missing out on much. More than a few people in the US are banning Left 4 Dead 2 from their own households for reasons other than violent content. And Australia still got Fallout 3, just with a minor edit.
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I understand the logic behind the banning of swastikas, but not all violent games...
I understand the logic behind it, but I disagree with the German government's methods.

Before we derail this thread any further, though, let's get it back on track and talk about ppar's imminent relocation.