My experiences


New Member
So as many of you know, I took my level 60 paladin and left the guild sometime last week to experience what it's like outside of our guild. I figured it would be good to fill you guys in on many of the details.

So I left last tuesday night (I believe, I can't remember) then sign off. The following day, not five minutes into being guildless, I get ninja invited to join iFekts (Formerly eap, now known as Fallout). I've grouped with them many times previously and have had a great time, so naturally I joined up with them.

iFekts merged with several other guilds though, including Jazer, Exorcists, and a few others, I believe, to form Fallout. We essentially went from 15 level 60s to about 30-40 level 60s and also became the largest, or one of the largest, guilds on the server.

Yesterday we had a pickup Molten Core raid that I took a part of. I know Exo wanted to take a part of it too and I was going to try to invite him, but he was not on at the time that we started. In the future I will try to get those who are level 60 into the raids. It was a ton of fun though, be be prepared to sacrifice about five hours of your time as well as five gold in repairs for a *chance* to get an epic item.

Most of the raids people use Ventrilo, NOT teamspeak which we use. If you want to be a part of them, it's best if you also get Vent to communicate with them.
I was planning on joining the raid but at the last minute I went out with some friends bowling and to the movies.

Constantine was an interesting movie albeit flawed in most of its theology, it had some amazing special effects and likeable characters.
We actually have reasons why we don't have a Ventrillio it's pretty weak. Of course I don't think anyone will mind if you get it, but that's just why we don't support it as a clan.

Anyway, sounds like you've been having a lot of fun.
Take care, have fun, and God bless.

Well you guys can use it, I'm just saying the majority of people seem to use vent and you wouldn't be able to talk to them unless you have it too. Never hurts to have both, I guess.