Mystery shrouds the Leroy Jenkins case



What did he say? Why did he rush into the cave in World of Warcraft while screaming his name, dooming his team to failure? A number of reasons have popped up, and I have taken upon myself to find out what happened that day. So I took a trip to wikipedia... By the way I have edited the dialogue for those of us who don't want to see all the swearing

The dialogue: (difficult to say because of video quality)
Player 1: [talking to teammates outside cave] OK guys, these eggs have given us a lot of trouble in the past, does anybody need anything off this guy or can we bypass him?

Player 2: Uhh, I think Leeroy needs something from this guy.

Player 1: Oh, does he need those Devout Shoulders? Doesn't - isn't he a paladin?

Player 2: Yeah, but that will help him heal better, he'll have more mana.

Player 1: [sighs] ------. OK, uhh what we'll do, I'll run in first, kinda gather up all the eggs, we can kinda blast them all down with AOE. Uhh, I will use Intimidating Shout, to kinda scatter them, so we won't have to fight a whole bunch of them at once. Uhh, when my Shouts are done, uhh, I'll need Anfrony to come in and drop his Shout too, so we can keep them scattered and not have to fight too many. Uhh, when his is done, Bass(?) of course will need to run in and do the same thing. Uhh, we're gonna need Divine Intervention on our mages, so they can, uhh, AE, so we can of course bring them down fast, we're bringing all these guys, I mean, we'll be in trouble if we don't take them down quick. Uhh I think this is a pretty good plan, we should be able to pull it off this time. Uhh, what do you think Abduhl? Can you give me a number crunch real quick?

Player 3: Uhhh.. yeah gimme a sec... I'm coming up with thirty-two point three three, repeating of course, percentage, of survival.

Player 1: That's a lot better than we usually do, uhh, alright, you think we're ready guys? [interrupted]

Leeroy: All right, chums, I'm back! Let's do this! LEEEEEERROOOOOOOOYYYYYY JENNNNKINNNSSSSSSsss!!! [runs into cave]

[Indistinguishable]: Oh my ---, he just ran in. [turns around]

Player 1: Save him! Oh jeez, stick to the plan. Oh jeez, let's go, let's go! [follows]

Player 1 [laughing]: Stick to the plan chums, stick to the plan!

Player 1: Oh jeez, oh ----.

[Indistinguishable]: Gimme a Divine Intervention, hurry up.

Player 1: Shoutin'!

Player 3: I can't cast! I can't move, am I lagging, guys? I can't move!

Player 1: What the- What the ----?

Player 3: I can't move!

Player 1: Oh my ---...

[more indistinguishable babble]

[Indistinguishable]: I dont think you can cast with that ----!

[Another player]: Oh my ---!

Leeroy: We got em, we got em! I got it, I got it.

Player 2: Take it off! Take it off! (could be referring to a paladin or hunter with the wrong aura active) [muffled shouts]

Player 1: Stay down, Stay down. Oh my ---..

Player 1: --------- Leeroy! ------...

[Various others]: Yeah, Leeroy you moron, Leeroy! [various put-downs of Leeroy amongst group]

Player 1: This is ridiculous.

Leeroy: I'm on it.

Player 1: I'm down, Forekin down. ---------. [shouting, then a pause, followed by other put-downs] Why do you do this ----, Leeroy?

Player 2: I'm trying.

Leeroy [crying]: It's not my fault!

Player 1: Who's Soulstoned? We do have a Soulstone up, don't we? [everyone dies] Think I need a Soulstone?

Player 2: Yeah but you need a Warlock.

Player 2 [noticing everybody is dead]: ... Oh ---...

Player 1: Oh for - [sighs, nearly chokes and swallows] Great job! [some greets a new player] Leeroy, you are just as stupid as ----.

[indistinguishable babble]

Leeroy: At least I have chicken.
The "chicken" part was an inside joke involving his guild's love for KFC. And isn't he right.

But no one is agreeing on his initial shout- Several discussions on the Internet have surrounded the content of Leeroy's initial shout and his last line. "All right, dumb-dumbs, I'm back. Let's do this...", "All right, thumbs up, Lets do this..." and "All right, time's up, I'm back. Let's do this..." have been suggested. "...Guns up..." is similarly another possibility.

Also, some disagreement over his last line has also been offered with some feeling that his last statement is "At least I ain't chicken" or "At least I'm not chicken."

According to PC Gamer UK, Leeroy was given a substantial boost in notoriety by the publication of an article in the August 2005 issue of PC Gamer UK by author Craig Pearson, entitled "The Ballad of Leeroy Jenkins". Pearson's article claims that the original video was designed as a negative commentary on the kind of "nerd-guilds" that meticulously and statistically plan out raids the way Leeroy's guild was apparently doing. Leeroy is in fact the hero of the piece, acting against the sickening geekiness of his guild.
How nice of him.

But somethign isn't right with the video. Those familiar with game play in World of Warcraft have noted that the "plans" his guildmates were making relied on casting spells in a way that would be impossible according to the game's mechanics. Further an overall plan to activate all the enemies and fight them at once would be a rather unlikely occurrence among actual players of the game.

Giving further credence to this assessment and to Pearson's allegation is the fact that the dragon hatchlings in the Rookery are an optional engagement, not a required one and if the party does decide to fight them, it is considerably easier to do so a few at a time rather than all at once.

Also lending credence to Pearson's theory is the fact that most of the characters in the video are using 'superior-level' armor and weapons. Some are even wearing equipment that can only be obtained in an area of the dungeon after the Rookery.

A sidebar found in Pearson's article titled "How to Be a Leeroy: Perhaps You Already Are?" cites Urban Dictionary as an indication that Leeroy has become a descriptive noun; "to Leeroy" is even being used as a verb in some circles. The article further encourages the readers to send in their best examples of being a Leeroy to "I'm a Leeroy" at the magazine's address.

Expansions of the name "Leeroy Jenkins"

And yes, the one about Guild Wars and Kilroy Stonekin is right-I've seen it myself

Leeroy's popularity has spread to other Internet venues as well. In the popular free-to-play MMORPG Guild Wars, a dwarven character named Kilroy Stonekin relates the death of his family and calls the players to battle with a similar shout of his own name. Unlike Leeroy, Kilroy's shout conveys benefit to his players rather than spelling their demise.

In NCSoft's City of Villains, there is a recurring Arachnos soldier NPC by the name of "Jenkins" (whom you typically have to rescue because he keeps getting himself captured.) City of Villains developer Positron recently announced to players that the character "...was definitely inspired by a certain Internet movie."

Similarly, Leeroy appears as a direct tribute in ArtixEntertainment's popular Web game AdventureQuest where he travels with the players to battle at "Vamprook Spyre".

So what happened that day? Rumor has it that this case has recieved as much if not MORE attention than UFOs. Is it real? If so, what happened exactly that day? Will we ever find out? Many questions go unanswered. Our only hope is that the real Leeroy Jenkins will surface one day and provide us with the truth.

Until then, this is Souphead, Private Investigator, signing off.​
I'm almost positive it was staged (as in, purposely wiped to act out something funny).

Divine intervention is a paladin anti-wipe ability that protects the target from everything for 3 mins (30 seconds back in Leeroy's time), but it prevents the target from doing ANYTHING during that time while KILLING THE PALADIN ON CAST.

Additionally, the recording was from the warrior's perspective, who very evidently ran around the entire room popping as many eggs and aggroing as many enemies as possible. So, it wasn't really Leeroy's fault to begin with...:p
Ok so who is this Leroy Jenkins dude? I've seen this name pop up from time to time in-game. The story from wiki sounds hilarious. :D Anyone care to elaborate??