needing GW account please...


New Member
If anyone has an account that they are willing to give away with anything more than just prophecies it would be greatly appreciated.
I can't afford to buy any thing and i want to be ready for GW2. So please hook me up if possible. I would even trade my account(Prophecies game of the year) if u want. thank you.

PM me in game..."Monkey Fluff"
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Sorry, but accounts really are not tradable. Technically it's against the EULA policies and if Arenanet knew about it they could ban the account. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen under the table between friends though.

Most likely though your best option is to ask your parents to buy you the games for you or perhaps you can pick up some odd jobs and save up for them. Shop the sales. Target had Eye of the North for $10 last month. You can find bargains if you look.
Arenanet is adding new code to find real money traders and account theft and stuff. Trading accounts will get harder and probably are just not worth it. As raven said you should probably just look for bargains. If eotn is $10 bucks, Factions can't be to far behind in a price drop, and NF i saw for 30 at k-mart.
a little help tho would be to wait till thanksgiving weekend, i know its a ways away but i got NF for about $15 at best buy so good luck out there.=D