New Computer and WAR

Ezekiel 22:30

New Member
Okay, so the new computer I ordered should be here tomorrow or at least by Monday. So my question is what is the best way to download or get the WAR client on my new computer. DL it again through Mythic, go to Fileplanet, or is their another way.

Thanks guys and gals.
Put old hard drive into the new computer and copy the files.

That's the fastest way.
I've built a few computers XD.

Or, you could just keep it in the new computer and not have to copy any files and have more HD space.
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How bout an external hardrive? Transfer it off one hard drive onto the external, then to the newcomputer? Saw a few of them for pretty cheap at the store the other day. Thought about getting one to store family photos on, backup and whatnot? They any good? Don't know too much about them.
We use external drives at work and I would warn you about two things:

1)they go bad, usually without warning-on an internal drive, alot of times you will get boot errors or blue screen interminttanly, but many times can get a good boot to remove data before it completely goes to pot.
2)the average Joe will not be able to recover the data so, it'll cost ya to get at it most likely.
I was facing the same issue (files were on work laptop thanks to fast work internet connection; needed to get on home computer). What I did was hook both computers up to my home router, do file sharing of an empty folder on home computer, found computer on network map on work computer, clicked on home computer and logged in and opened the empty folder, and copies the files across.

Then moves the WAR files out of that folder, deleted the empty/shared folder, and that was that. Only took about 20 minutes despite my lame 10MBps equipment. I'm pretty much a noob at network stuff and had never done file sharing before, and one computer was XP and the other was Vista so I'd guess most folks could replicate my success.
We use external drives at work and I would warn you about two things:

1)they go bad, usually without warning-on an internal drive, alot of times you will get boot errors or blue screen interminttanly, but many times can get a good boot to remove data before it completely goes to pot.
2)the average Joe will not be able to recover the data so, it'll cost ya to get at it most likely.
Whenever I use an external hard drive for backup, I make sure it's really two mirrored drives (Raid 1). That way, if one breaks down, my data's still safe. If you're really paranoid, you could put your data on two raid 1 drives or a raid 6 configuration that allows for the failure of any two drives (out of at least three).

On my actual computer, I usually use Raid 0 for a little extra performance (though hard drives are VERY rarely a bottleneck unless I'm running one of my optical simulations that really grinds on 'em).
I am still going to get an external hardrive, but I just got my computer in today. I decided to use my fileplanet membership and just redownload it. I wont be on til late tonight or tomorrow sometime due to this. I still have approx. 6-7 hours left, then patchng. Gotta get it ready for Sunday's headstart!