New Lamorak Guild


New Member
I have a question regarding ToJ. Let's say I wanted to create the guild on Lamorak in DAoC. Do I actually have to have someone's permission from CGA or ToJ to do it before we "create" the guild? Because I am not sure, I have not created the guild yet. I can get 5 people in the guild immediately (5 accounts, 2 people) and know that Litsafalda, Odale, and Montrez would be the last 3 needed. But, given the point that I am unsure who I need to speak to, I can't just say "Let's go to the Guild mob and create the guild now".

Montrez, have you spoken with anyone (like Tek) about it to see if we have been given the proper "blessings" that need to happen to be an official ToJ guild?

Just wondering cause I want this to be done right (as we all probably don't want any hassles about it in the future).
Mythran said:
I have a question regarding ToJ. Let's say I wanted to create the guild on Lamorak in DAoC. Do I actually have to have someone's permission from CGA or ToJ to do it before we "create" the guild? Because I am not sure, I have not created the guild yet. I can get 5 people in the guild immediately (5 accounts, 2 people) and know that Litsafalda, Odale, and Montrez would be the last 3 needed. But, given the point that I am unsure who I need to speak to, I can't just say "Let's go to the Guild mob and create the guild now".

Montrez, have you spoken with anyone (like Tek) about it to see if we have been given the proper "blessings" that need to happen to be an official ToJ guild?

Just wondering cause I want this to be done right (as we all probably don't want any hassles about it in the future).

I'll bless it, I have not know that we needed a blessing. We are still KOT, just on a different Server. We are still a christain guild. Create it, If some thing needs to be done Formally, I will find out.

ONWARD Christain soldiers
With the few conversations I have had with Tek the past few days, I think he just ok with things and just thinks we are using a different server with the same principles etc. I personally do not see a problem with us just doing it. I can be available after 9 pm Sat I think and can bring two accts if needed. Blessings,"Angel"
Mythran said:
I have a question regarding ToJ. Let's say I wanted to create the guild on Lamorak in DAoC. Do I actually have to have someone's permission from CGA or ToJ to do it before we "create" the guild?
If the chapter staff members agree that starting a new guild is the best and wisest course of action, then I trust their judgment. There are several chapters for which I don't own the game and cannot interact directly with the members, so I have to appoint staff I can trust to manage the chapter without "looking over their shoulder." With Tribe of Judah as large as it is, trying to "micro-manage" chapters is not in my, or the chapter members', best interest.

Still, I appreciate being informed when new guilds are created. If staff members have any questions or concerns regarding a new endeavor, whether it be a guild or anything else, please feel free to e-mail or IM me about it.
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Chapter Staff

Who is/are the Chapter Staff member(s) of the DAoC Chapter? It is Montrez, is it not?
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