New member - Berean


A new member joined us today! His name is Berean, a currently level 5 witch hunter.

Please say "hello" if you see him online!
Wait, did you check to make sure? Did you read the Scriptures to make sure what he said was true? We all need to be good Bereans, you know. :D

Wow, what a cheesy post. Especially since it's my 1,500th!
Really, I should be the one checking if what you guys say is true right? :-)

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Id set up one of theose cool wardb sigs but I dont have permission to have a signature yet. Don't think my ToJ membership got handled. Give me a heads up if I goofed up and need to resubmit it or something.
Welcome Berean!!! Look forward to getting to play with you in game. Don't forget to sign into Vent and come chat with us there too.