New Member Note: Need Healers and AOE Tank


New Member
Hi new members, been lots of you lately! Some of you have asked me what classes our guild needs so I thought I'd make a post.

We need:

1.Healers: Raid ready, all class healers.
2.Tanks: AOE Tanks i.e. pallys

Also, if older members have healing or aoe tank alts get them raid ready! Or if you'd like to switch one of these classes to your main.

We especially need healers/aoe tank on Friday night raids (until further notice).

Also, read about raiding under our raid discussion section:

Welcome to the guild! :D Post thoughts / questions below.

Goodwone-Member Liason :)
I would like to with Theros but dial-up makes it sorta hard unless Where wants to play Theros for you guys since he has experience with pally tanks.
I'm not sure where you are coming from with this post Goodwone. What we need is more geared healers and tanks....they are there. The last month I've had to divide up the groups and make 2 kara groups and beg for dps.....because there were TOO MANY TANKS AND HEALERS NEEDING GEAR!

So....this thread really needs to be a plea for dps to help us get them geared.....they are already there.

Theros.....I'll talk with you and Sandric about your spell rotation...maybe I can help when we need an aoe tank.
i dont know what i could do to help at this point , i have brug "paladin" geared up well enough for healing yet my healing gear is almost all kara and 1 ZA . tanking i would love to do but am short 1000 hp from being at standards plus im not very confident . i kn0w im but 1 person in the guild but im stuck between a rock and a hardplace with schoolwork and exams coming up for me.
hey brug could i give ya a peice of advice? ignore wow till after exams... its hard but your school comes first i mean a peice of gear or you getting into a great college and then getting a great job as a sue chef
just make sure to put school first. i didnt for a while and now im in a hard place were i mite not pass a class... and ive never failed a class because i put wow infront of school
hey brug could i give ya a peice of advice? ignore wow till after exams... its hard but your school comes first i mean a peice of gear or you getting into a great college and then getting a great job as a sue chef
just make sure to put school first. i didnt for a while and now im in a hard place were i mite not pass a class... and ive never failed a class because i put wow infront of school

3 out of 7 exams are this weeks and the last 4 are monday and tuesday of next week
Goblit, we have one raid ready aoe tank that comes to raids, Sandric. We are short raid ready healers and aoe tanks Friday night raids. If we have aoe tanks and healers, they are not showing up to raid.

If we have them, then this this post is a plea for raid readiness.
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just got baldey over 1500 bonus healing last nite. i will be available to raid on mondays sometimes but rarely on fridays. sorry that is date nite with the wife!
I think what Goblit meant was the toons are there, what they need is DPS to help them go to kara, etc to get geared to go to 25 mans. Having an AOE tank and having an AOE tank that is geared enough for 25 mans is 2 different things
Having an AOE tank and having an AOE tank that is geared enough for 25 mans is 2 different things

yes. ways other then Kara to gear up too like from badges.

For pallys, Lower City rep can help get you the Gavel of Unearthed Secrets or try for the Amani Punisher in ZA to upgrade your sword. Shoulders from HKM. Badge reward gear will get you there too. Run heroics. Julienne has a tanking belt pattern also. Lots of good stuff out there but have fun getting it! :)
badge gear is definately good, the easiest way to get it is to run kara though:p The gavel isnt bad but the mace from ZA is way better and so is the pvp mace. Shoulders and legs from HKM and Gruul isnt bad, shield off Gruul is very nice but that goes back to needing the gear to be able to run 25 mans.
The summer schedule is ramping up for my family. I hadn't been able to get on Mondays due to Bible study fellowship. I've put down Mond and Friday on the schedule to be online. :)
I am willing to help out wherever I can as I would like to be raiding with you all again.
I would be more than happy to help on Kara runs as DPS/Battery.
Unfortunately I rarely can get online before 8pm PST (except Fridays, I am working a deal with wife to make raid start times on Fridays)

But as soon as I log on on any night, I am willing to fill any spots that become available.