Non-profit organization research

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Okay. I need someone to compile a report with the following information:

- Requirements (application fees, paperwork, yearly fees, board of directors, etc.) to establish and maintain a non-profit organization in Oklahoma, Missouri, or Massachusetts
- Procedures and costs for transferring a NPO from or to Oklahoma, Missouri, and Massuchesetts
- Lawyers and law firms in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area who specialize in establishing non-profit organizations

If appropriate, please post all findings or links to appropriate pages in reply to this post. If the matter is confidential or too lengthy to post in the forums, please e-mail it directly to tek7 AT cgalliance DOT org.

Thank you in advance to all who help with this project.
The more I read about creating a non-profit organization, the more I realize that it has to truly be God's will and His doing if we're going to make it a reality. There's simply no way I'll be able to handle all the paperwork or fees, so the greatest miracle of all will be God bringing alone trustworthy, wise, prudent, and wealthy people along to aid us.

*takes a deep breath* Okay. Let's keep the research going, no matter how much work it's going to be. We can only grow so far with limited funds, and we can't realistically expect to have churches and companies sponsor us if we don't establish a non-profit organization.

In all honesty, I would have liked to already have had formed CGA as a NPO. We need to put everything together as quickly as possible, but this is something so sensitive (almost said "dangerous") that I still refuse to rush it. So keep the information coming and we'll move forward.

EDIT: Where are my manners? Thank you for the link, Stormy.
Well, you do not need a "sugar daddy". What you need is a nice laywer who will donate his or her time to the project. It is not that difficult. It just has to be done properly.

I have had a few done. Filled out the paperwork for another, but did not need it.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Icthus @ Jan. 27 2004,9:41)]I have had a few done.
Sooo, *nudges Icthus* how do we go about setting this up? Should we talk to a lawyer right off or do more research first? Hrm? Hrm?
hmm, I wrote my post in the quick reply but I guess its not the same as creating a post...  
ANyway I just found this site today and was confused.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]CGamer writes "This is Heath Summerlin, founder of Christian Gamer.

We've have been around for about 5 years, however I regretfully announce, my stepping down as leader and disbanding of Christian Gamer as an organized gaming group. For those who visit the forum, it is still available and in use. I want to say Thank You to all its former members for their support in making CG as successful as it was."

Did I find this site too late? plz someone fill me in
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Master~Plan @ Jan. 28 2004,7:50)]Did I find this site too late? plz someone fill me in
That post was in regards to Christian Gamers, not the Christian Gamers Alliance. CG was another Christian gaming community, but not the same as the CGA.

We are still go for plans to form a non-profit organization. The next step is to gather the information, raise the necessary funds, then decide on a lawyer to handle the paperwork.
Actually the first decision should be which state to apply to for non profit status. I guess I am not sure why you want the status. If there is less then $5,000 in funds being acculated you really should not even worry about it. I think the United Way's office for non profit management actually puts the number at $50,000.

You might actually be better off applying for a religious exempt organization, depending on the state.
Well I have to agree with Tek on this. Sponsors will be more likely to support CGA if we are registered as a NPO. It shows some future vision and commitment which is sometimes sorely lacking in a lot of online (and off) endeavours.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Icthus @ Jan. 29 2004,7:05)]You might actually be better off applying for a religious exempt organization, depending on the state.
This is something else we need to look into, then.

Let's add this to the research project.
This thread is in desperate need of a bump.

This is one of the most important projects of the Christian Gamers Alliance right now. Our lack of NPO status is, at least in my eyes, holding us back from growing past a certain point. Any and all information on this subject is greatly appreciated.