ok, ok, all right, all ready.

Baron Squirrel

New Member
first, i would like to say thanks to all of you who prayed for me with the request of my previous post, which ties directly into this.

second, i know i haven't been in game much recently, but i have had absolutely no time to, due to working evenings and driving to see my girlfriend, and church and stuff.

third... i've got to tell someone, cause i'm about to burst.

hopefully, this weekend, i will propose to my girlfriend.

none of my friends know this, because my girlfriend won't let me tell them yet. there are a lot of reasons why this is happening... well... one big one, at least... one that will be most evident somewhere around late June, early July....

the only reason i'm telling you guys, is, like i said, i've got to tell someone, and none of you know me personally, so... yeah.

so... don't expect to see me in nightfall anytime soon... life's getting much more interesting by the hour.
WOOT!! congrats! you lucky dog you, i still got a few more years till i have a... normal chance. Congrats again! wow. i feel so special :D
im still praying for ya and what C$ said, get her to play Guild Wars we will be nice... maybe :p
the question was asked, the answer was given.

wedding's Dec 30th.

my friends will know tonight when my fiancee' comes down for church.


and we'll see about the whole getting her to play guild wars thing....
she didt before then i let her play on my account a little bit and now shes hooked, and thanks to jfreak she uses his account
WOOT! WOOT WOOT WOOT! Congrats man! may you bring her up in the ways if Guild Wars!
Baron, there is only one word in all the languages ever spoken or to be spoken that can capture the sheer awesomeness of your situation.

It's supercalifragalisticexpialidocious!