open lot in Oakwick Icthuuuuuus!


New Member
Icthuuuuus! Lot 95 in Oakwick, a couple doors down from the KotT guildhouse is open now! You'll have to watch it like a hawk if you want a chance at picking it up. I think it went up today so I would imagine that it'll be around the 2-3 plat range a coupledays from now.

ok.... here's my calculations k?

I just logged in real fast to check the price.
Housing prices drop 1.2plat per hour.

right now it's 9:45am EST on Monday and the lot is 83plat.
then at 10am EST, the lot will drop to 81.8plat

that means at 10am on Wednesday, the lot will be 25.4plat

and at 10pm EST, wednesday night, 11plat

at 7am on thursday morning, 2.6 plat
8am - 1.4plat
9am - 200gold

so if your looking for the 2.5plat range, then 7am-9am thursday morning is your window for that. I think it'll be a high demand lot though so it might go for 3+plat before then, although since drops to around 3plat early in the morning, you have a decent shot at it if you wake up early around 7am and camp it from there till 8 or 9am

Yeah, let me know if you have any questions
I did some calculations today at 8:30 pm my time the lot was at 11 plat. It seems to drop around 15 past the top of the hour. That would put it at 1.4 plat at 4:15 AM my time. That is not a good. Actually one hour sooner than you last estimate. I plan on getting up at 5 am, but not 4 am.
Icthuus, 6:15 am EST here. Odale allowed me to use his account so I xferred money over and bought the lot using Odale. It cost 300g for the lot. Will have to put a house up on it and then we can figure out transferring the lot and house to you. Shouldn't be a hard process. Will end up owing me 1.3 plat I think (300 for lot, 1plat for house). Okie, back to bed for me...

I'll seeya tonight. God bless
Okay.  For those experienced.  How much are lots and how much for the maintainance.  Also, I noticed a market area just inside the housing gates.  How does this help or hurt crafters?  I haven't done weaponcrafting in a long time, but I'm nervous that because the market is out, it will be very hard to find walk-in customers.
This sounds like a quesiton for Phil!

The market is actually for crafters, if I remember correctly.

I think the housing has helped crafters some. But it might eventually hurt due to over satruation of items.

Lot and house is going to cost 1.5 to 2.4 plat. Rent is 20 gold per week. Then all the other stuff if fluff. The one thing you will need is a vendor. I think you could use the guild vendor as a trial.