open source 3D graphics imaging

are you looking for CAD or just image rendering? If it's image rendering then the best is pov-ray.
inkscape is 2d, but it is a wonderful tool. I use vector formats for a lot of my designs because they can be blown up ridiculously large and not look like an atari rendered them.
not image rendering, graphics design.
I'm not sure how you are defining those but take a look at Blender and see if it fits the bill. I've used it a little and definitely like it. The interface has a steep learning curve with many hotkeys but for a free program it is very powerful. Once you get past the learning curve it has a faster workflow than other programs too. I know of at least one professional level CGI movie that was made with it (albeit a very bizarre one).
i would try trials of rhino 3d since its an industry standard while messing around with blender
Sketchup is really neat and easy to use, I like how you can literally draw a shape and it goes into 3d. I only wish it had support for exporting to more usable formats.