Pally Tank UI Mods


New Member
Can someone recommend some useful mods or IU configs for tanking or the pally class in general? My pally is 62 and I'm really enjoying the tanking right now. Thank you in advance.
mods, Omen of course, I can link a good macro to for using Righteous defense but beyond that it's just keeping up buffs, threat management.
This first macro casts blessing of protection on your target's target in case they draw aggro and righteous defense is on cooldown, also it's only good vs. melee enemies only.

/cast [target=target,help] Blessing of Protection; [target=targettarget,help] Blessing of Protection

This macro is good for throwing up Divine Shield if your life is low and you are waiting for a heal. By pressing the macro again it cancels Divine Shield so you can quickly regain aggro.

/cancelaura Divine Shield
/cast Divine Shield

This is a Righteous Defense macro that taunts the target from the target target. Basically if someone pulls aggro off you, use the macro and it will attempt to taunt your target back to you.

/cast [target=target,help] Righteous Defense; [target=targettarget,help] Righteous Defense

This is a Turn Evil macro that sets a focus target for you to Fear without losing your current target.
For example you are tanking Moroes and you need to keep one of the adds feared.
So click the add to be feared, click the macro, it's now set as your Focus and fears it, target Moroes whack away, when Turn Evil cooldown is up press the macro and it fears your add w/o losing Moroes as your target. This macro also checks to see if your focus target is dead and attempts to put a Star over it's head or change the 1 to whatever corresponding number coincides with the skull, X, square, etc..

To cancel your focus deselect a and use the macro.

/clearfocus [target=focus,dead][target=focus,noexists]
/focus [target=focus,noexists]
/script SetRaidTarget("focus", 1)
/cast [target=focus]Turn Evil
/stopmacro [nogroup]

These are just a few of the useful macros I use.
Heres one more for calculating Avoidance..

/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Need 102.4 combined avoidance. Currently at:",0.8,0.8,1)
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetDodgeChance()+GetBlockChance() + GetParryChance() +5+(GetCombatRatingBonus(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL) + 20)*0.04,1,0.5,0)
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