Passion of Christ

Pilate was on very thin ice with Caesar, especially considering he had already used troops to crush and earlier minro revolt and sent them into the temple afterwards. Later on after Jesus' death, he was relieved of service after another massacre, but Augustus died when he was on his way back to Rome, so Pilate never had to face him. Rahter, after a trial, he was exiled to switzerland. He was trying to not get executed like his mentor, I forget his name, so he appeased the Jews so he wouldnt have to put down a revolt. Was he a coward, depends on how you look at it, but he was definetely willing to hear Jesus out on his last question to him, "What is truth?" but the Bible records he went back out to the Jews after this question and didnt stay for an answer. He wanted to believe Jesus, IMO, but succombed to the pressure on him.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Guest @ Mar. 19 2004,1:13)]An earlier post suggested Pilate was a coward.  If he set Jesus free, assuming it caused a riot, he would have had to suppress it with Roman soldiers and violence.  Many would have died.  Is it cowardly to choose what one perceives as the lesser of two evils?  How many “regular” people dieing would it take to equal one Jesus?
Do you really think Pilate was concerned about "the people"? He was afraid of a riot because it would be on his watch,his problem. He made his final decision to let Jesus be crucified when the Jewish leaders said "we have no king but Ceasar". They were reminding him that if he didn't have Jesus crucified after claiming to be King he would be disloyal to Ceasar.

Are you suggesting it is ok to kill an innocent man in order to prevent more from dying? The end justifies the means, so to speak? Would you ask that question about any other man?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ] How many “regular” people dieing would it take to equal one Jesus?
Even if every human died it would not equal Jesus. Jesus is both God AND human. That's why He was perfect.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (www_rlxc_com @ Feb. 24 2004,11:28)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Never in my life have I ever seen the media try to be as hard on a movie as with the passion of Christ

Yes, it is anti-semetic, but so is the Bible. No matter how you put it, the Jewish Leaders put Jesus to death. I wish the news would say that, atleast if they are going to critisize the movie give it credit for it biblical accuracy.

Anyways, what do we all think on this topic?

I realize I came into this discussion late, so please forgive me if I offend for that.
Yes, technically the Jewish leaders put Jesus to death, but not really. I put Him to death, you put Him to death, everyone who has ever lived put Jesus Christ to death. There is a song that goes "I nailed Him there with my sins and my transgressions." That is true.

"Does He still feel the nails every time I fail? Can He hear the crowd cry 'crucify' again? Am I causing Him pain? Then I know I've got to change. Cause I just can't bear the thought of hurting Him."

If I was the only person ever to live, Jesus still would have died. As I watched the Passion, all I could think was "He did this for me, and I did this to Him." Quite a humbling thought, no?

You'll have to excuse me, Minotes, but I have a very well developed sense of cause and effect. Whilst, according to Christian doctrine, the only reason JC was around at all was because of the sins of humanity, the only reason this degenerated into nailing him to anything was because of the prideful sin of certain Jewish religious politicians.

As a supplemental point to another argument raised here, it is a very rare Governor that cares NOTHING for the people under his charge. Why would you imagine that Pilate would be oblivious to creating carnage where it could be avoided?