

I see we've been doing a lot of EotS lately.

I've always wanted to try a set of strategies, but never had a team good enough to test it.

EotS = 15 players

we will need at least 4 healers.

hold on to DR and mage tower in the beginning with 2 people defending each, prefer 1 stealther or 1 hunter/warlock with a healer.

a group of 7(with 1 healer) go for the flag, while another group of 4(with 1 healer) stay behind the bridge in the middle.

the group of 4 act as a patrol unit, they stay in the middle of everything, whichever side horde attacks, the group of 4 goes to help.

another group of 3 from the middle bridge control group can now be the second patrol group while 4 people always stays on the bridge at all times, with at least 1 hunter for stealth detection.

shaman, hunter, warlocks are the best for the bridge control due to totems and pets appearing to be superior numbers and their abilities to multi target.

it is pretty much a defensive strategy, and this formation can be easily changed to holding on to mage tower+fel reaver tower or DR+blood elf tower, with the first patrol group of 4 splitting into 2 groups of 2 at each side of the bridge.

i wish one day we can test this out @_@

but then again i think i just play too much dota.
So much fun, issuing hits on Blood Elf paladins, mage bombs, certain shadow priests stealing fear bombs from certain affliction warlocks... ice priests.... wow, a lot of fun! :D :D

wait until i get my warlock to 70. in lvl 39 bracket bg my warlock's total dmg = 5x of the second place's dmg.

i think one of the reasons other than communication is that we out gear the hordes. they have some really good geared players, but then they also have some green gear people thats eating 1.5k crits from my bear mangle.
You noticed that if we faced a pre-made we didn't win, but we didn't get annihilated much either. The catch is that most of them have high resilience and the most of us don't. You can DPS your heart out, but if their resilience negates most of your +dmg, you havn't gained any ground, and will probably die.
Back to your original plan. It sounds good, but thats more or less what we were doing last night. The same people went for the flag, the same people defended and the same people assaulted / provided backup. Essentially the same plan.

I think it would work, but the people defending and the backup would have to have stacked resilience/HP.
I had fun last night! The two best moments from last nights wsg...

Nevi and i killed a warrior with 14.5K health in 3 seconds.

Saz, Where, and I killed 6 horde with our bare hands.
You have a poster? I agree a double poster of Odale might be a little much...glad I didn't see one really.

<wonders what posters Meli has on her walls at school>
Meli doesn't have any posters.

But yea, all this PvP is pretty fun. For the first time ever I saw my meta gem proc and reflect an arcane missile at somebody, and I bursted down a warrior in 6 secs. Crazy stuff.

speaking of stats for EoTS I liked the guy last night trying to lead the EoTS not realizing 13 of us were a premade lol

speaking of stats for EoTS I liked the guy last night trying to lead the EoTS not realizing 13 of us were a premade lol

He and I started whispering during the game (FJ is right, I have an uncanny ability to make friends) and had a good chat. He stayed up at MT with me for awhile and I told him he was free to follow our mob around for some free HKs. That didn't stop him from whispering me and he really thought it was great to be in a Good alliance premade who knew what they were doing. The last thing I said to him "believe it or not, we just started PvPing together as a guild on the weekend." Never heard from him again after that! :rolleyes:
lol, yeah but what makes a good premade is the same as what makes a succesful raid, having a plan(sorta) and good communication, and of course good gear hehe. Even though it isnt pvp gear we have gear to dish out some hurt and work well together:)