Pet Question


New Member
I haven't been able to find a list of slash commands that includes pet commands - does anyone know if such commands exist? I'm trying to add pet commands to my hotkeys so that I can control my White Lion's pet without resorting to clicking on the pet bar. Any assistance would be appreciated.
The only thing that I see on this Key Commands sheet from inside the warhammer box is:

; - pet defensive
' - pet aggressive
, - pet passive

I'm sure you would have found a way in-game by now to associate the hotkeys for the /slash commands. Shrug. Sorry if this post was spam.

I have had no luck making macros for pet commands. I spent a day trying. I gave up and just used the keymapping funtionality that already exists for the pet bar. = / meh it's ok.
if you want them on different locations, you should be able to change your key bindings.

However, know that keybindings are global, so it'll knock actions off of other toons, as well.