Piece of Triva

Cloud G said:
What Guild Wars skill in mentioned in the movie The Princess Bride?

Well, seeing as how The Princess Bride came out frist...lets flip that around...BTW I have np idea...:D

P.S. I do play Guild Wars, but I haven't played in a while...
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Bonetti's Defense.

"You are using Bonetti's Defense against me, ah?"
"I thought it fitting considering the rocky terrain."
"Naturally, you must suspect me to attack with Capa Ferro?"
"Naturally... but I find that Thibault cancels out Capa Ferro. Don't you?"
"Unless the enemy has studied his Agrippa... which I have."

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Beat me to it!! I watched that recently and I was wow they said a Guild Wars skill!!
Well done!!

I watching that movie thow other day and nearly fell out of my chair when to following scence started:

You're using Bonetti's defense
against me, ah?

I thought it fitting, considering
the rocky terrain --

Naturally, you must expect me to
attack with Capo Ferro.
Cloud G said:
Naturally, you must expect me to
attack with Capo Ferro.

This line may be the source for the NPC character in Piken Square - Farrah Cappo. On a side note, I saw a thread on GWGuru once discussing Easter Eggs (appropriate topic for today) and this was mentioned, but followed up with a comment that Bonetti's Defense is an actual fencing tactic.
As an elementalist in Guild Wars, you will at some point gain the skills 'Rodgort's Invocation' and 'Mark of Rodgort', where Rodgort spelled backwards is Trogdor, a reference to Homestarrunner.com: Trogdor the Burninator. The name fits perfectly as a fire element skill, as Trogdor is a dragon that breathes fire.

from www.eeggs.com
Cloud G said:
Well done!!

I watching that movie thow other day and nearly fell out of my chair when to following scence started:

You're using Bonetti's defense
against me, ah?

I thought it fitting, considering
the rocky terrain --

Naturally, you must expect me to
attack with Capo Ferro.
Man In Black:
Naturally...but I find Thibault cancels out Capo Ferro, don't you?
More Princess Bride trivia: the LARP NERO uses preparatory phrases for every skill. You say them when you use the skill. ("I summon a magic missile," "I call upon the earth to cure light wounds," etc.)

The prep phrase for "Slay": "Prepare to die!"
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:confused: All this Princess Bride stuff is giving me a headache. Mabey i just need to go see that movie ive heard about it so much from you guys.
yeah, I noticed the Bonetti's Defense thing a while ago. cracked me up. kindled a new respect for ArenaNet.

also, Rodgort from "rodgort's invocation" and stuff is Trogdor spelled backward.
and any of you homestar runner fans should know trogdor...

and on my bass guitar:
Archy, I thought you played the BASS! But you only play the bass guitar... I'm so... disappointed... *sobs and runs away from the topic*
my only role model... my hopes and dreams have been ASPLODED! (he he, more like "burninated")

Anyhow I find it extremely interesting when you consider the fact that GW is a Korean game... :eek: THEY HAVE PLANTED SPIES IN OUR SOCIETY!!!
ArenaNet is American, NCsoft is korean(i think)

and, well, north koreans have planted many a spy.

and C$, I also play the piano and guitar. not so good, tho.
and well, I do admit, I play a little bass also.
so get a piemonade and calm down.
Lol. In Factions u save a ship from attack named the Halcyon. In star wars books, theres a very important character named Halcyon in a few of the books. I wonder if the devs are star wars fans?
I would assume that they are since they are apparently Farscape fans. One of the main characters on Farscape is a Luxon. Let's face it, the people who made this game are geeks just like us!