Annath and I were on the new Tribe of Judah Team Fortress 2 server earlier today when I noticed my ping slowly creeping higher and higher. At first, it was manageable around 80, then hovered around 110, then kept climbing.
I loaded up HLSW, checked my ping to the new ToJ TF2 server, and watched HLSW generate the following ping graph:

I'm now hovering around 200 ping, which is essentially unplayable for TF2--which is especially aggravating, since tonight is ToJ's first TF2sday event on the new server.
After resetting my cable modem and wireless router to eliminate as many variables as I could, I called Mediacom and explained that I'd had this problem before. The tech's response was to schedule a tech to come out on the first available date--Wednesday, February 11. Not a typo. Not a lie. February 11.
This is the second tech they'll be sending out about this problem, meaning they failed to resolve the issue last time. It seems the problem is most severe any time there's a sudden change in temperature or a major storm (heavy rains, snow, ice, etc.).
I'll likely still attend tonight's ToJ TF2 event even if my ping is over 200, though I'll probably just hang out in spectator mode if that's the case.
Grr. Not happy with Mediacom right now.
I loaded up HLSW, checked my ping to the new ToJ TF2 server, and watched HLSW generate the following ping graph:

I'm now hovering around 200 ping, which is essentially unplayable for TF2--which is especially aggravating, since tonight is ToJ's first TF2sday event on the new server.
After resetting my cable modem and wireless router to eliminate as many variables as I could, I called Mediacom and explained that I'd had this problem before. The tech's response was to schedule a tech to come out on the first available date--Wednesday, February 11. Not a typo. Not a lie. February 11.
This is the second tech they'll be sending out about this problem, meaning they failed to resolve the issue last time. It seems the problem is most severe any time there's a sudden change in temperature or a major storm (heavy rains, snow, ice, etc.).
I'll likely still attend tonight's ToJ TF2 event even if my ping is over 200, though I'll probably just hang out in spectator mode if that's the case.
Grr. Not happy with Mediacom right now.