Players assume role of female lead in Final Fantasy XIII

peronsally in any fighting game or "select a character" game i usually pick a female (male in rl btw).

i play ffxi as am mithra, an all female race becasue the few male they do have are weak and not suitable for hunting, but they are cat woman which like maid said, is more a sex figure.

cloud does have a very slight feminine look to him but hes def more masculine then the others, cept squall. squall is more of a soft hearted guy but he doesnt look feminine.

tek is right though (he is the one who said this right?) most main cahracters are in tehre teen years and therefore have a childish look while the support characters are way more masculine like a father figure type thing.

end note, vaan looks like a girl, no wya out of that hes jsut plain girly, and who was kuja? wanst he one of the end bosses in ff9 if so can someone put up a pic plz.
Sup guys

Hello every one.

Im new to the guild and happy to be a part of it really. Took long enough to find a guild with so much life in it.

Im an Artist by nature always have been and to that fact over the years I have learned many types of art mediums. Also I have played FF games for a long time in fact I have most if not all of the FF games released here in the U.S. For the most part "My Opinion" The FF games are very well done as rpg games. On that note I also have many years doing computer graphics as a free lance CGA=Computer Graphic Artist. I have done a fair share of study on art from those countries that I have found Unique to me.

As far as Japanise art as for the FF games go they are AGE set, Im sure someone stated it earlyer in the forum too. Also to this note reading the game blooklet most of the time shows the chars ages and they are from teen to young adult. So looks are everything when the market are kids. Alot of art from Japan as far as comic book and amine run a similar line just like here in the US. only looks are the black and white. Most hero types of the US. were set out as older stronger folk. During WWII Superman was born. Thus it was a ease on the minds of the nation, after all everyone needed a hero at the time. Im sure most of us here would say Jesus was a better choice but it just was not the case back then. After everything was said and done who did ppl remeber as a nations hero? none other then superman. I kid you not.
To this day he has been this nations hero for many generations. My point about this is just that. We here in the US. see hero types in that set. A Strong set figure roughly shaped chin and just huge from the hips up. Its just what most of us are used too seen. So when a new hero type showes up if that dont have these basic sets of atributes, sadly they wont sell. Games and Comic books are all about sells. Its just a markit like anyother.

The art that we see now from the over side of the world or from the Asian counties was here in the US. by the time I was born so its origin is not known to me persanly. Over the years though I have come across many old comic books and anime from Japan. The farther back I look the more of the same I tend to find as far as the way of looks. I do know that Age has alot to do with what amine and games look like in that culture. In all honesty it seens to work here too. After all if it had not then FF saga would have never made it here to begin with. It hit cause it was defferent it was new and it was a game for young kids. Whats better then a kid playing a kid hero. Regaurdless of sex. Thats why no mater where in the world you are when you see anime art thats just what it is no mater where you are from. Its a stand alone Medium. You ask about why sex seens to be mixed up? Well its a mater of point of view. Why dose everyone look like superman I wander? :D

theres kuja.... hes a freak.......

but sometimes female characters just look kooler in anycase though. i mean like in GW i play a female elementalist because the male ones look really stupid and retarded but i love playing elementalists so i'll use a female. i use a reasonably modest outfit too just to make sure maid mariwyn doesnt get too mad at me and doesnt call me a hussy >.>
Most hero types of the US. were set out as older stronger folk. During WWII Superman was born.
Great points on Superman, and welcome to the community. :)

I think there's a balance between unrealistic bodybuilders and effeminate or metrosexual men. In the realm of video games, look at Gordon Freeman and Max Payne. In the realm of movies, look at Neo and Morpheus. I agree that most Western media promotes the iconic "musclehead" as the ideal, and that the Japanese tend to favor effeminate male leads.

The Western ideal likely dates back to the Greeks, and perhaps earlier.

The Japanese ideal likely dates back to classic Japanese mythology:

According to Japan’s creation myth, sibling deities Izanagi and Izanami birthed Japan and a pantheon of other deities, including Susano-o, who procreated with his sister Amaterasu, birthing the ancestor of the first Japanese Emperor. The myth of sister-brother incest is thus at the core of Japanese mythology, much as we might argue (and as Freud indeed did) that the Oedipal myth lies at the core of Western (Judeo-Christian) mythology.
Source: Japan Sessions

There seems to be a thread running throughout Japanese mythology minimizing the differences between the sexes; in Western culture, differences between genders are, more often than not, maximized.

The effeminate nature of Final Fantasy series male lead characters is the tip of the iceberg; a brief overview of Japanese mythology would seem to indicate the differences between Western and Eastern cultures run deeper and date back farther than most people recognize.
what i dont understand is.... ff8 had a few boss's that needed more clothing on females, some ff9 people needed more clothing, ff10 bosses need more clothing, but all of those are female...... and the one time a guy needs more clothing in ff9 its just the most disturbing image you have ever seen
An in-game rendered image of Kuja is, amazingly, worse than that. (S)He looks like a dude wearing hip huggers with the t-back sticking out on the sides, and a fur lined shoulders only jacket over one of those cutoff tee shirts that's tied in the front. Basically, it's the girl from the Black Eyed Peas and they're telling you she's a dude... dude.
And, I do want to point out that in FFVIII, Seifer is only listed as one year older than Squall, yet he is shaped and dresses appropriately for a male character. Strange again.
[]WildBillKickoff;203848 said:
And, I do want to point out that in FFVIII, Seifer is only listed as one year older than Squall, yet he is shaped and dresses appropriately for a male character. Strange again.
your right i forgot they were only a year apart. kinda sad from when u think about the time spent in the orphanage and all the mind issues seifer has
[]WildBillKickoff;203848 said:
Seifer is only listed as one year older than Squall, yet he is shaped and dresses appropriately for a male character.

Being young gives you no excuse to dress like a chick.
he never dressed like a chick. kuja dressed like a chick
I really can't think of anything more to say. So, I guess we'll go back to the topic.

If Japanese like 'effeminate men' so much, then why do the Mario Bros. look normal? Unfortunately, I just realized that Link sometimes looks like a chick. That makes me sad :-(
I really can't think of anything more to say. So, I guess we'll go back to the topic.

If Japanese like 'effeminate men' so much, then why do the Mario Bros. look normal? Unfortunately, I just realized that Link sometimes looks like a chick. That makes me sad :-(

link looking like a chick is a very good point actually, its not just ff games. anyone agree that Vampire hunter D looks womanish too?