Please pray for me.


I could really use some prayers right now. I need forgiveness, and strength. I need to find a way to make a better life for my daughter and myself. There may be a way for me to get my old job back right now but I'm not 100% sure at the moment. I feel like I've betrayed God this past year and I need his forgiveness. I've prayed for it time and again, only to do some other thing that is sinful. I want to be better but I'm so sick Spirtually that I don't know where to begin. I've lost almost everything these past five months. I don't know whats going on in my own life any more and I'm scared. I no longer feel comfortable in my parents church, and I don't know where to turn to any more.
Hang in there, God understands...

The Bible teaches us that we have a sinful nature that comes with the flesh and that we are slaves to sin before we become Christians - but when we decide to stop sinning and turn our lives over to Jesus (believing He is God who died to take our punishment for our sins) Jesus breaks our slavery to that sinful nature and forgives us for our sins. God gives us Jesus' robe of righteousness to wear so that we are sinless in God's eyes. So, as long as you have the attitude that you do not want to sin (are repentant) and believe God, He counts you as sinless even if you have slipped up. The Bible teaches that when we became a Christian (by repenting and believing in God) God the Holy Spirit came to live in us and made us new creatures born of the Spirit. We now have 2 natures. The old sinful nature that comes with these fleshly bodies, and our new Godly nature that comes from God. Even though (because of Christ's sacrifice) we are forgiven of our sins, the process of learning to recognize and stop responding to the old sinful nature takes time. We know that God knows and understands all of this because He is the one who explains it to us in the Bible. Don't panic, God says He will test us and put us through trials so that He can train us to choose to believe Him. He is teaching us to persevere in our faith in Him. No matter how bad it seems, keep choosing to trust Him! Keep praying for His help and looking for His answers. Remember do not believe the thoughts and feelings that question or doubt God, put them off. Choose to believe, that is what you are being trained to do. And read the Bible as much as you can so you can learn to recognize God's mind and heart, so you can learn which of your thoughts and feelings come from God and choose to believe them. I understand your church uncomfortableness. I moved and have not yet found one that I am comfortable in. But I continue to pray for God to show me where He wants me (and my daughter) to be and I keep my eyes open for His answer. In the meantime I keep on praying and reading the Bible, and work at choosing to put off (or at least ignore) the thoughts and feelings that I know are against God and His ways, and choose to believe the ones that I know are for Him. And I work at choosing to patiently believe and trust Him that the answers will come and I am forgiven, and that He loves me (and my daughter) completely and is doing the right thing for us. I hope this encourages you :)!