Please pray for this 5 year old


Please pray for a little boy by the name of Jase. He is five years old and has been in the hospital since last Thursday. He is my cousins son. They took him to the ER because he was vomitting blood, coughing up blood, and had diarrea that was bloody. After a week of being in they have done all kinds of tests on him, biopsies, nothing really explaining why his body is doing what it is. At this point they believe his kidney's have shut down. He has had to have a blood transfusion and is on dialysis. He has also had some seizures. Today he was completly sedated while they started the dialysis and also did a full body scan. The brain scan was abnormal but we are hoping it is that because of his present situation, and that he will make a full recovery. They have a long road in front of them. At this point in time they are hoping everything reverses itself and he gets back to the rompin-stompin active little boy that we know and love. It will take nothing short of a miracle for a full recovery.
Please, add him to your prayers.
He has been moved out of the intensive care unit - big step! He is a very tired little one. Please keep him in your prayers.
Neurologist say he has rounded the corner so to speak...still on dialysis...and getting blood transfusions...but able to keep liquids down - first time in over two weeks!!