Poppin sounds on my new monitor


Active Member
I just got a new 17 inch compaq monitor a few weeks ago.

I never thought about it, but now, if find weird, i hear pops from the monitor, not from my speakers, from behind/top of the monitor.

I hear pops when:

I open up websites; ToJ for example.
I open up games; StarCraft for example.

Mainly, everything I open, my monitor pops, I hope that doesnt mean like: "Pop...pop...BOOM!"

Cause the monitor is...argh, it popped again, right in the middle of typing...

I closed my windows media player, and it popped alot...

Its 17 inch monitor, compaq, refursbish.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]send it back that scary;send it back for a replacement

That is the replacement. -_-

Earlier, we had a IBM 17 inch monitor; refurbished, the problem with that one was that every 15-20 mins, the screen would shut itself down, then back up again, down, up, down, up, you get the point.  

It was still under warranty, so we sent it back, and they gave us the Compaq 17 inch monitor; refurbished, the one I'm explaining now, it pops alot.

So, I'll have to replace that 2nd monitor to a 3rd monitor...?  

Or better yet, I can trade it for a 15 inch LCD monitor for about $150.

Does LCD monitors come with speakers? Cause when I look at it, its very thin, but where are the speakers?

The weird thing tho, the IBM cost more than the Compaq. yet the Compaq looks nicer than the IBM.
*edit* whoops this is he's i forgot to logout of Gen's account on her computer. That being said:

replace it again..that monitor has issues.
Before I send it back, could my 'crappy' graphics card be the cause of the popping?

Or the way the monitor is?

I dont think it is since I am typing now, i hear pops...

My monitor is facing away from the window, its about 2 inches away from the wall, 2 feet away from my face, wires isnt tangled or loose, although, I did use a different monitor plug, could that be it?

Nothing different but the color.
I switched the plugs, but I'm scaried the monitor will blow out......

so tomorrow, were bring it back to hopefully get it fixed, or replaced, for the 3rd time......

btw, I did a test with mine, and the others monitors in the house, I find it scary when my monitor is off, and re-plug the plug, i hear pops! No other monitors that are turned off do not start having popping noises above the monitor.

IN detail: theres a plug that powers the monitor. One end is connected to the power bar/wall. The other end is connected to the back of the monitor. When the monitor (and I've tried it with CPU off) is completely off, I disconnect the end plug where you connect it to the back of the monitor. As soon as I reconnect the end plug to the back of the monitor, I hear pops, spark sounds, the exact sound of when a lightbulb dies or when u turn on the lights. *Ping* *Pop* *BIZzzz*  Only difference is, I hear it alot and it scaries the heck out of me. X_X

Good thing I'm using a wireless keyboard and mouse.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]My 17 in. AOC clicks when changing from 800 600 to 1002 to wthat ever number

TO answer thejfreaks post: mine pops, not clicks, pops like sparks are fusing, not like a ticking bomb. IT pops when I open programs, usually big ones like games, since that fills the whole screen.
#1 Monitor mount speakers are not very good.. really bad in fact

I'd rather get a new speaker set then use the monitor mount speaker. Yes some LCD do come with the Sound, but u'll have to look at the System specs to figure which has the sound and which don't
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]#1 Monitor mount speakers are not very good.. really bad in fact

I'd rather get a new speaker set then use the monitor mount speaker. Yes some LCD do come with the Sound, but u'll have to look at the System specs to figure which has the sound and which don't

Well, the monitors we got never came with speakers, so its lame we have to use our own speakers. Infact, the 1st one never came with a power plug, argh.

Good, thats fine for LCD's with sound.

Our old HP monitor that we've had for nearly 7 years comes with mounted (attached) speakers and their fine.

I got another replacement monitor, joy......3rd times a charm, doubtful...

Remember, thats 2 replacements, 1 defected, 3 monitors in almost 4 months.  

I hope this 3rd monitor doesnt have a problem!  