Officer SOE/LoE/Where's "here"?
My brother-in-law was struggling with 20/200 vision in both eyes and needed cataract surgery. Well he had the surgery on one eye and that eye now has basicilly no vision left, just light and shapes. So many floaters he has to wear a patch in order to not distract the one eye left with 20/200. So they are going to try laser surgery to restore vision in the worst eye. He is dealing with the blindness fairly well but I would like prayer that the surgery restores his sight in that eye. Also my better half is beginning to lose her sight to Fuchs Corneal Distrophy and needs prayer. She can still see mostly well enough to drive, but even glasses don't correct for reading and distance now. She has recently had a brief crying spell over the loss, but is beginning to adjust. We just didn't know that when we adopted children with visual impairments that one of us would wind up also going blind. Long story short, need prayer for both brother-in-law and better half for deteriorating vision.