Prayer for Eye surgery


Active Member
Hi all,

If you could keep me in your prayers this week I would appreciate it. Friday (around 11 EST) I will be having cataract surgery on my right eye. I don't like anything touching my eyes, getting the glaucoma test this fall was awful the poor girl had to try for over 20 minutes with two different machines and I'm not sure she got a good reading after all that. Needless to say, I am a little anxious about it. I know it's not much, but I could use the spiritual support.
Will pray for you. If it's any consolation cataract surgery is pretty routine anymore, and beats the loss of vision a full on cataract brings on. Relax in God's hands.
Praying! Cataract surgery is one of the safest surgeries you can have, and you'll be so doped up during, you will probably not care one bit. Praying all is successful and routine and that you'll be seeing better than ever almost immediately.
I know ya is still recovering an dopey as the daylights, just letting ya know I've not forgotten and hope all went well.
Everything went well. I slept through the afternoon, best sleep I've had. Oh and the claims that I wouldn't remember a thing are balloney, I couldn't write a technical manual about it, but I certainly remember enough.

It's kind of weird, my vision is clear (no fog) but really blurry right now. It's like having glasses with two different prescriptions in it.
Glad it went well! Sometimes people remember it right away, but then later they don't anymore. But I have had a couple of patients say weeks later that they remembered the whole thing. Glad everything went well! Vision will likely improve as swelling goes down. :-)
YAY! Thank you Jesus, again!

Glad you made it through. Quick write your memoirs before you forget the experience! :p
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I pray that God protects you all throughout your eye surgery process. And I also pray that God uses the surgeons to do the job excellently.