Prayer Need


New Member
Please pray for ajmucha's (Andrew) mom. He informed me that they had to take her to the hospital a short while ago with a sharp pain in her side. They're not sure what it is yet but he said they don't think it's appendicitis. Please pray for her.
Update: She's still in the hospital. They found out she has a 5mmx2mm kidney stone, which they think might have to be surgically removed...They're also running an ultrasound to see if there's anything that might be wrong with her gall bladder because of the position of the stone putting pressure on it...still awaiting the ultrasound...and they should of done it about 2 hours ago
Another update: I had to wake up early today to take care of my mom. She's home now and in very bad pain, hardly able to move. My dad's coming home from work in order to take her to the ER (again) where the doctor said they'll probably keep her overnight and perform surgery tomorrow.