Prayer Needs


New Member
I have recently been given the privilege of joining the Living in Christ team as the prayer chain coordinator. If you have any needs you would like the guild to lift up in prayer please contact me via this thread, private message or in game whisper, gulid chat or mail. We want everyone to know we care about what is going on in your life and how we can pray for you.

Oh sorry about that... but seriously I need to make some income in some way soon while I wait for ministry jobs to work out.
I'm kinda new to the prayer coordinator thing so I was not aware prayer requests were supposed to go somewhere else.
Draaco said:
I'm kinda new to the prayer coordinator thing so I was not aware prayer requests were supposed to go somewhere else.
Oh, I didn't meant to say that you shouldn't post them here. I've spoken with Litsafalda previously and she would like for all prayer requests to be posted in the Prayer Request forum, but that doesn't mean you can't post them here as well. If it's easier, you could compile a list of prayer requests each week and post them there. It's up to you how to do it; I didn't mean to imply that I was handing down an order. It's just a suggestion.
Thank you to both of you for your advising and help. I actually already knew Icky is waiting on God for his next assignment. Also weekly postings are fine with me. You can even make a post like ToJ WoW prayers for week of _____ and post the links so they are easy for us to find them. Blessings,"Angel"
Congrats on your new position draaco...look forward to seeing our ministry team take things a step further in the guild!
dont hesitate to forward those prayer requests to the HIS guild prayer forums also. Thats what its there for. :)