Prayer Request for a friend


New Member
Hey everyone,

I would like to ask that you all pray for my friends grandson. She sent me two emails about him and since I thought it would be easier to explain I would like to post them so you know what exactly he needs prayer for.

I recieved this email Sunday morning:
Hello everyone. I'm sorry to send out a mass email this way, but if you could all please pray for my grandson, Gavin, I would really appreciate it. He is up in the emergency room right now. Rachel and Trever took him up there late this evening after Derek and I had gone over to visit. His hands and feet were almost pure white, or they would then turn purple. Like his circulation or something wasn't right.

They got to the hospital and found out he is not breathing well, and his oxygen level will not remain at a normal consistency. They are hooking him up to IV's right now, and will be keeping him overnight. If you could all please pray for him to get well, for the doctor's to find out what is wrong, and for Rachel and Trever to have some peace, I would greatly appreciate it. Derek and I are heading up to the hospital now, so I will update you again as soon as I can.

Thanks so much,

Here is the updated email:
My 10-day old grandson is a very sick baby. He had a urinary tract infection that has now moved into his blood stream. Gavin is in the Baby ICU right now, and is currently on oxygen, two I.V.'s, a heart monitor, and is residing in an incubator type thing.

They are worried that the infection might have spread to his spine, so he is going to have to have a spinal tap done later this evening, to test the spinal fluid. After that they are then going to place a shunt into his arm that will span the length of his arm and over into the main vein in his chest wall so that they can administer the medication without having to stick him with so many needles.

At this point, they can't get his oxygen level to stabilize, and the infection has apparently spread more rapidly than the doctors initially thought. He will be in the hospital for at least two weeks, but they said if he gets any worse, they will have to send him to the Spokane, WA hospital.

I would greatly appreciate any prayers that you all would send up on Gavin's behalf, as well as for my daughter Rachel and her fiance` Trever. They are very distressed right now, as anyone would be.

Thank you all in advance, and I will keep you posted as I can.

In Christ ~

Thank you all for your prayers ahead of time. My heart just goes out to them right now. For this precious little one to have to fight this stuff already. Tori and her husband are christians but I am sure they, as well as her daughter and her fiance, need to be encouraged.

Thanks again..... :)

I was just talking to my friend. She said before they left the hospital last night her husband laid hands on that little guy and prayed for him. This morning when they went to see him, little Gavin was 200% better. Thank you Lord for the power of prayer. The doc's think he has menengitis and are going to keep him in the hospital for 14 days to watch him. Then he should be able to go home. I will keep you updated as I get more info.

Here is a new updated email I recieved from Tori this morning.

Just a quick update!

They discovered that Gavin has E-Coli bacteria in his blood, which has caused the infection. Now that they know what it is, they can fight it with the correct anitbiotics. They are still concerned about his oxygen. It is apparently going up and down, so they are x-raying his lungs again, to see if they can find out the cause of it.

I just saw him a little bit ago, and his color is so much better. He's actually "pinkish" now, instead of white or purple, so that is a very good sign. The doctor says he has a long way to go, and it won't be easy, but he should recover well from it all with lots of care and time.

He does have to remain in the hospital for the next two weeks, and they are still going to do the "pic" line, (the I.V./shunt that goes into his chest), but they have to find someone that is experienced in putting them in, as they don't use them very often in the baby unit.

Thank you all for your continued prayer! Gavin is a little fighter, and I know he will pull out of this. If you would, please also pray for Rachel as I think she is starting to really experience Post-partum Depression. Along with all the stress of having Gavin hospitalized, she's having a tough time right now.

Love you all!

Thank you all for praying for this little one.
Hey all I just wanted to update you all on my friends grandson. Here is the email she sent out.

wanted to thank you so much for your prayers on behalf of Gavin. He was released to go home today. (6/14) Praise God!!!

He will still be under the watchful care of his doctor over the next couple of months, but so far, everything looks good. He got to go home today about 3:30 PM. Rachel is very relieved, and is very much looking forward to sleeping in her own bed and having some peace and quiet at home with her little family. :)

I cannot begin to express my gratitude for the prayers you sent up for Gavin, Rachel, and Trever. I have no doubt that it was God's mercy and healing that brought "our" baby through this. My heart is overflowing with love and thankfulness to the Lord, and to you for holding us up in this very difficult time.

I'll be in touch again soon!

Much love,

Thank you to all who have prayed for this little one and his family. I know the family appreciates it. :)