Prayer Request

Ezekiel 22:30

New Member
I also posted this in the WAR forums for those that read those as well.

I haven't had a lot of time lately to log onto any game, and when I do, it hasn't been for long periods of time. My mother's health recently declined and she just finished having a couple of surgeries. Hopefully these surgeries will hold, if they do then only one more will be required. If not, then she is looking at having a leg amputated.

I have been praying that the surgery holds and that is not necessary to have her left leg amputated. Like everything though I have left it in God's hands. My siblngs I know don't have that kind of peace so any prayers for them would be great.

Anyways, God Bless you all and I hope to be back in the ranks soon with a healthy mother safe at home.
Thank you all for your prayers. So far the surgeries went well, except for a small hiccup on Monday morning. Everything seems to be fine and my mother is expected to return home in the next few days. I talked to her earlier and she was in great spirits. It is a blessing to be able to call on everyone for prayers.

Once again thank you and God Bless you and your families.