Prayer Request


Hi everyone this is a letter from a friends wife i have been praying for and wondered if you could lift him up to the LORD as well.
his name is Charles Petty and he has been fighting cancer and he is angry at GOD and discouraged and needs prayer badly.

Her letter is as follows and explains his situation;

Thank you again for your time to think and pray for Charlie. I haven't updated for a while as so many things are going on.
Three weeks ago he had surgery to get muscle out of the bladder to check for cancer.
There was no cancer in the muscle which meant that he could keep his bladder and would go back to the treatments he was having in the first place.
In the week between procedures he grew another tumor, the first being the size of an apple (which grew in 6 weeks) and the one a week later the size of a walnut.
A week later he started treatments. He had blood in his urine.
Two weeks ago he had a treatment and they had trouble getting all the medicine into his bladder. He still had blood in his urine.
Last week he went for treatment they couldn't get ANY of the medicine into his bladder. AND THERE IS STILL BLOOD IN HIS URINE!
He saw Dr Marshall today and Charlie will be going in next Wednesday the 5th for his fourth surgery since July/August. Dr. Marshall isn't sure if its a huge blood clot, another large tumor or scar tissue- so they have to go and look.

Charlie is getting weaker with each trip to the hospital. His last recovery took almost 3 days before he was able to really walk around and think straight.
He is becoming a bit more forgetful- if that is the medicine, nervous or just becoming 72 years old in 27 days I am not sure.

Please pray that he doesn't give up- he has been talking about this again- of not going in for treatments.
He is looking forward to Christmas with Melodie and her family- so this this is a good thing.
Thank you all again for your prayers and thoughts.


Thank you in advance for all your prayers
Your brother in the LORD,