Prayer Requests and Answered Prayers (THREAD)

A Servant

New Member
The purpose of this thread is 2 fold, first its anyones and everyones opportunity to share a prayer request and then the answers. GOD ANSWERS! Second its so I can keep you all updated on the answers GOD has sent to me, and how effectual your prayers are.

First I want to THANK ALL OF YOU who have been praying for me. Citibank is still treating us bankers poorly but hopefully they will change there policies, I serve my masters like I am serving the LORD thats all I can do. You can get the initial scoop about this in my thread called I SENT THIS TO MY GRANDMA!

Secondly my new home business is doing VERY well I am working it a commited part time 20-30hrs a week, so far I have talked to at about 10 radio leads from my 2 week national christian radio advertising campaign and have sold 2 home businesses one in washington and another in arkansa, in addition everyone I have given a sample of my product to locally has loved the taste, some of them are telling me they see health benefits. I know I have seen more energy and little to no soreness after my personal workouts.

Finaly running my own business is very challenging so PLEASE! continue to PRAY for me and my family, I am almost in the black and thats the goal in business, PRAY for me at school as I continue my higher education, and pray that I may have more opportunities to lead people to the LORD. In additon to that I am currently trying to sell a 9 route vending machine business I have had for 3 years, PRAY THAT THE LORD BRINGs my wife and I THE RIGHT BUYER.

Current TESTIMONIES: Our family is well, no sickness or diseases, we are so thankful and grateful for that. Our bills are paid and I have income the LORD is my provider in more ways than one! Thank you LORD! My relationship to my wife has been improving as I am developing more and more and seeing more areas where I can personally change and love her better, I am also seeing how perfectly God fit us together. I am so greatful for the gift He gave.

As an officer of SoE I am here to help any of you ALSO in game if you need it feel very free to email me at with what you need and when you need it or you can call 916-990-8697 and I'll schedule with you to help out.

PS please PRAY for my mentor/coach, J Brad he has a very unique ministry.
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Some of you have been praying, I can tell.
I asked "and pray that I may have more opportunities to lead people to the LORD."
Tonight I was working out a guy next to me picked up my towel for me and the first thing out of his mouth was I am an atheist. Next thing I know he was sharing with me his life story. I listened and smiled. After he was done I gave a bold witness of the power of Jesus in my personal life and the life of my dad. He was stunned, I could see. I gave him a thought I wonder why some people experience God so amazingly and others do not? We both shrugged our shoulders. I am praying for him now as the answer is evident JESUS wants us to ask. I am sure this man needs a visitation, from the most HIGH, and invation of love. PLEASE PRAY that RICK gets his GOD ENCOUNTER soon he is 50 years old and we don't know how many more days he has left on the earth.
On the vending machines we may have a potential buyer.

I will close with saying GOD IS AWESOME
please continue to lift me up your prayers are SO EFFECTUAL
Current Needs:
the business
PRAY for me and my family,
PRAY for me at college
Pray that I may have more opportunities to lead people to the LORD.
PRAY THAT THE LORD BRINGs my wife and I THE RIGHT BUYER for our vending machines.
WOW You all have been PRAYING!
Here is the shortest concise version of the testimony I could muster....We went to church sunday. On the way I was compelled to speak to my wife about giving. I had this urgency in the spirit to give, that is the best way I can describe it. We get to our church and the pastor is talking about giving. Then he invites the body to make two lines one a recieving line, one a giving line. My wifes in the nursery with Isaiah are son. I bow my head and ask the Father, which line to get into. And clear as day I hear that still small voice say get in the giving line and give away your businesses. So I rush to the nursery to my wife. I ask and say have you been listening to the sermon? She says YES! We should be in the giving line. I say you are right God wants us to give our businesses. We get our son into one of the other nursery workers hands and go back to the sanctuary to get in the giving line. As we enter the pastor is making the last call for anyone who is ready to give or recieve. We go up and he leads us to this lady. She is standing there like what is GOD going to give me through these people. I open my mouth and say we are going to give you a business, we are going to underwrite the marketing campaign, product and give you all are current clientel. She begins to sob and is litterally stunned. She then tells us that her husband was just told he would have to leave where he was working, and that he also has just got his business brokers licenese to sell businesses. It was a divine meeting of giving and recieving. They are comming to dinner wednesday night to recieve.

We aren't selling the vending machines we are giving them away.
The family is moving more and more towards Jesus.

For this comming wednesday night.
Pray that we have opportunities to meet with GOD and be in his presence.
Pray we give cheerfully and from a pure heart.
Pray these business flourish under the new stewards.
Pray that my school work continues to get done.
Pray that I get a grasp of the servant leadership model for my family.
I realized recently that I have had some serious footholds in my life that God wants to deal with. He is helping me to be more free indeed. Thank you all for being so faithful in lifting my family and I up. Please don't stop! The more free I get the more I realize how many layers of wrong motives, attitudes and other things the Lord is teaching me to walk free from. Every once and awhile you desire to be able to just have God do it all, and be a robot. But, God wants us to be able to walk in the spirit, I think I'm still being carried. But I am begining to learn what it means to walk.
Please pray that I keep the ground I have gained.
That my hunger and thirst, for him goes up.
Filled to the brim with the Fruit of the Spirit, especially in the newly swept clean places.
Protection and Victory over the spirits that try to come back.
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Well its been a while since I posted to this thread I am very seriously thinking about joining the army.
Pray for me and my family.
Thank you for your prayers currently I have decided against the army the multitude of counselors has neutrality with a leaning toward decent.
Please continue to pray for me, I NEED HELP!
The Lord is deffinately on the throne.
I still work with CITI but no longer citibank. I am now a division leader with PRIMERICA a citi company. It's a promotion and commision only. Please pray that I continue to do well in school, my career, etc. Most improtantly I have begun to see my calling please pray the Lord continues to reveal this to me, and how to walk in it.
Everyone in the family is well.