Prayer Requests


New Member
Last weekend a girl at my grandmothers church was killed in an auto accident, a deer ran out in front of her, she over corrected and hit a tree. she was killed on impact. the car caught on fire and all that was left was her teeth and her Bible. my ex girlfriend was good friends with Katie, so she's taking it pretty hard. Katies celebration service was yesterday. i ask that you remember her family, fiance, and people that knew her in your prayers the next couple of weeks, when it really sinks in

Coercion said:
Last weekend a girl at my grandmothers church was killed in an auto accident, a deer ran out in front of her, she over corrected and hit a tree. she was killed on impact. the car caught on fire and all that was left was her teeth and her Bible. my ex girlfriend was good friends with Katie, so she's taking it pretty hard. Katies celebration service was yesterday. i ask that you remember her family, fiance, and people that knew her in your prayers the next couple of weeks, when it really sinks in

