prayer room


New Member
hey guys,
its great to be in a christian guild fellowshipping and gaming together with your brothers/sisters in Christ. But i realize, however, that many of us have issues and we are dealing with some pretty heavy stuff. you are not alone
i was talking to flame and couple other officers about starting a prayer night in vent
i told him i would be available saturday nites. anyone willing or wanting to come to the room is welcome.. we can talk/ listen andshare with eachother our hurts, our pains, and our issues. and then pray.

i know people say.. hey ill pray for you. i wanted a room and a meeting place to come together and actually pray for one another.. i can lead in prayer if you like or anyone else is free to join and pray. we have alot of Godly men and women in this guild. and it would be great if some of our pastors/ teachers could come in and share som insight.

so what do u guys think? anyone interested. I love you guys and i want to pray over my brothers and sisters earnestly.

ps i know ths maybe should have been posted in the felloship area.. but more people come here..