My good friend had cancer just over 2 years ago. They discovered it after he was having some gut pains. They told him he had advanced stage 4 colon cancer and he had maybe months to live. He went on chemo and through the power of prayer was completely (and I mean completely, not a trace) cancer free just over a year later. He moved to Colorado with his wife to attend a bible school.
Last night we got a call from him at his family's home in Saskatchewan. It is back and it is worse.
This young man is one of the most righteous and godly men I have ever met. I can't say I understand what God's plan is in all of this, but please pray as you feel led. I pray that God's will be done in this as it was in his previous battle. I only wish I knew that his will was a fully healed Tyler.
Last night we got a call from him at his family's home in Saskatchewan. It is back and it is worse.
This young man is one of the most righteous and godly men I have ever met. I can't say I understand what God's plan is in all of this, but please pray as you feel led. I pray that God's will be done in this as it was in his previous battle. I only wish I knew that his will was a fully healed Tyler.