Prayers for Schmeedeemed

O! I hope it went alright and pray she is recuperating quickly! Anyone know when she'll be back online?

Hello all, just got home tonight. Thank you for your prayers.

Turns out I had a heart attack on Sunday during church and what I thought was pain from my gastro-peresis wasn't as benign as I thought. I also had one on Friday morning that I thought was an attack of my gastro-perisis but most likely wasn't either. Not sure how many in the past might have been heart attacks and will never know, but now I have to monitor myself even more carefully.

The doctor says I'm having vasospasm in my heart vessel(s) but since no permanent damage has been done, they don't know where it is. They gave me an angiogram on Monday and everything is clear, no blockage or visible damage.

Thank you all for your prayers, please continue to pray that the doctors can get me a medicine that works.
May gladness and joy of the Spirit be yours, Schmee...

I know my wife prayed for you today this morning at 9am as she was walking to the shoppes...


Romans 12:2 Be transformed.
Schmee, sooo glad to hear you are doing well. I have personally been praying for you since I was told in game. Thanks for updating us. May the Lord just give you the peace of knowing He is the ultimate physician and His timing is ALWAYS ever so perfect, even if we don't understand and think so. Won't it be awesome to be in His presence one day and be free of pain and suffering. What a glorious day that will be!!!