Prayers needed. Chrol is dying.


New Member
Note: I copied this post from the TOJ-UT forum so that our prayer people would see it. Thanks for reading.

Hey guys. I don't know if you remember Chrol from our jailbreak team The Critical Point, but he's been diagnosed with late-stage leukemia and colon cancer, and he is not expected to have more than a few months to live. It is advanced enough that they are debating whether or not to even remove the cancer.

This goes without saying but your prayers are desperately needed. If you want, you can wish him well at the thread he posted at TWL.

I am pretty sure he knows the Lord, by the way. Satan can only take his body. But it still sucks. He's younger than I am. We used to chat a lot. He was not unlike a brother. Life is unfair, sometimes. I had wondered why I hadn't seen him online in a while. I guess this explains it.