New Member
Well, since I haven't been able to actually play WoW lately, I've been spending some time thinking over where my liberated talent points will be relocated come patch.
Camyron at Level 60
For a large part, I was able to stick with his original layout, but have had to lose one point in improved shield, while picking up two points in the awesome improved divine spirit talent. Very worth it in my opinion. Improved mana burn is only there because there's nowhere better to put the other two points, and for those rare times when I'm soloing to 70, it's the best nuke I have when applicable.
I've dropped improved renew in the holy tree, as well as blessed recovery. That, with the addition of dropping a single point in improved healing, is what allows me to pick up improved divine spirit, as well as spiritual guidance (which is awesome in raids, as my spirit rises over 400 - thank you divine spirit, blessing of kings, and mark of the wild!)
Though I had it already before, I'm ecstatic about what they're doing to spirit of redemption. The duration has been increased to 15 seconds from 10, which means that now it has a long enough duration to be worthwhile even when under attack by lag (normally you die, wait 4-6 seconds, and it activates, giving you 4-6 seconds of healing - IE one or two spells) IN ADDITION to the 5% spirit buff which is always active. Gotta love spirit...
Camyron at Level 70
Over the arduous trip to the new level cap, which will likely not take place until this summer unless something big happens regarding my school's policy toward internet games, my talent tree will flesh out to the above.
Nothing happens in the discipline tree sadly, but spiritual healing, holy concentration, and lightwell are added to my repertoire. Additionally, one last point goes into improved healing (what an anticlimactic way to spend your level 70 talent point, huh?). Spiritual healing is rather straightforward, but I like what holy concentration does.
I have never, ever been impressed by lightwell. Though its effect should be remarkable, I've simply never seen it used effectively. This is completely a poorly supported bias on my part, as I've only ever bothered to use it in PUGs. Repeatedly, the situation would arise when deployment was justified, and repeatedly, some lowbie gnome at full health and/or in combat would run up to it and click it five times. Nothing against gnomes... it's just how it seems to happen. Still, it's a ways down the road, but I'm hoping it could be a valuable asset.
I am very pleased with the setup I have for 70 as it is, despite the lack of any truly lower-tier talents. Pain Suppression appears powerful, but is only self-cast, making it near useless in anything except pvp and soloing. Even in PvP it's next to useless (if you pay any attention to the priest forums, the primary complaint right now is that it has an extremely visible effect and is DISPELLABLE with a three-minute cooldown). Even with pain suppression and an active shield, I'm highly unlikely to survive more than four hits from any raid boss, and as a panic button, desperate prayer doesn't really need many accompaniments.
The bigger dispute is the new ability "Circle of Healing". Though at first glance I am aware it looks incredible, I hold it in very low esteem. It is an instant cast AoE healing spell that is likely to become one of the most mana-inefficient spells a priest can possibly choose to employ. It can only be cast on party members, limiting its use in raids, and is instant cast, making it - given the priest's default possession of Prayer of Healing - a panic spell. It's one and only true use is in circumstances where the entire party is taking massive amounts of damage fast. Because it is instant cast, it allows the caster to heal large amounts of health very quickly. However, it will drain the priest's mana at a rate rivaling holy nova spam. The circumstances that would justify the use of this spell are too seldom and dire to plan for with a level 50 talent, in my opinion.
I had considered other ways to go. Before dismissing it due to its near uselessness in raids, I was very drawn to the discipline talent 'Reflective Shield'. However, consulting with some friends who have been playing on the test server for an extended time, most accounts report even 5/5 reflective shield as being too insignifant to make a noticeable effect in either pvp or pve. Going that far into discipline would allow the acquisition of power infusion, but altogether this path does not fit my role as a priest, and I am more than more than happy to sacrifice those talents for Spiritual Healing, Holy Concentration, and Lightwell.
In any case, this is the layout I've planned for. If there are any other healers - or anybody else for that matter, with advice or comments, I'd be glad to have them.
Camyron at Level 60
For a large part, I was able to stick with his original layout, but have had to lose one point in improved shield, while picking up two points in the awesome improved divine spirit talent. Very worth it in my opinion. Improved mana burn is only there because there's nowhere better to put the other two points, and for those rare times when I'm soloing to 70, it's the best nuke I have when applicable.
I've dropped improved renew in the holy tree, as well as blessed recovery. That, with the addition of dropping a single point in improved healing, is what allows me to pick up improved divine spirit, as well as spiritual guidance (which is awesome in raids, as my spirit rises over 400 - thank you divine spirit, blessing of kings, and mark of the wild!)
Though I had it already before, I'm ecstatic about what they're doing to spirit of redemption. The duration has been increased to 15 seconds from 10, which means that now it has a long enough duration to be worthwhile even when under attack by lag (normally you die, wait 4-6 seconds, and it activates, giving you 4-6 seconds of healing - IE one or two spells) IN ADDITION to the 5% spirit buff which is always active. Gotta love spirit...
Camyron at Level 70
Over the arduous trip to the new level cap, which will likely not take place until this summer unless something big happens regarding my school's policy toward internet games, my talent tree will flesh out to the above.
Nothing happens in the discipline tree sadly, but spiritual healing, holy concentration, and lightwell are added to my repertoire. Additionally, one last point goes into improved healing (what an anticlimactic way to spend your level 70 talent point, huh?). Spiritual healing is rather straightforward, but I like what holy concentration does.
I have never, ever been impressed by lightwell. Though its effect should be remarkable, I've simply never seen it used effectively. This is completely a poorly supported bias on my part, as I've only ever bothered to use it in PUGs. Repeatedly, the situation would arise when deployment was justified, and repeatedly, some lowbie gnome at full health and/or in combat would run up to it and click it five times. Nothing against gnomes... it's just how it seems to happen. Still, it's a ways down the road, but I'm hoping it could be a valuable asset.
I am very pleased with the setup I have for 70 as it is, despite the lack of any truly lower-tier talents. Pain Suppression appears powerful, but is only self-cast, making it near useless in anything except pvp and soloing. Even in PvP it's next to useless (if you pay any attention to the priest forums, the primary complaint right now is that it has an extremely visible effect and is DISPELLABLE with a three-minute cooldown). Even with pain suppression and an active shield, I'm highly unlikely to survive more than four hits from any raid boss, and as a panic button, desperate prayer doesn't really need many accompaniments.
The bigger dispute is the new ability "Circle of Healing". Though at first glance I am aware it looks incredible, I hold it in very low esteem. It is an instant cast AoE healing spell that is likely to become one of the most mana-inefficient spells a priest can possibly choose to employ. It can only be cast on party members, limiting its use in raids, and is instant cast, making it - given the priest's default possession of Prayer of Healing - a panic spell. It's one and only true use is in circumstances where the entire party is taking massive amounts of damage fast. Because it is instant cast, it allows the caster to heal large amounts of health very quickly. However, it will drain the priest's mana at a rate rivaling holy nova spam. The circumstances that would justify the use of this spell are too seldom and dire to plan for with a level 50 talent, in my opinion.
I had considered other ways to go. Before dismissing it due to its near uselessness in raids, I was very drawn to the discipline talent 'Reflective Shield'. However, consulting with some friends who have been playing on the test server for an extended time, most accounts report even 5/5 reflective shield as being too insignifant to make a noticeable effect in either pvp or pve. Going that far into discipline would allow the acquisition of power infusion, but altogether this path does not fit my role as a priest, and I am more than more than happy to sacrifice those talents for Spiritual Healing, Holy Concentration, and Lightwell.
In any case, this is the layout I've planned for. If there are any other healers - or anybody else for that matter, with advice or comments, I'd be glad to have them.
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