Programs, get your programs here!


I'm sure it is here scatterd in all the postings but it does get confusing sometimes not knowing who is who, what gender, age and things like that. I'd really like to see one posting with that and also if possible a page somewhere. it might help those few of us not actually in the family.

So that being said I'll post who I am and maybe we can get it moved to a single page. I just knew our great leader wanted something esle to do.

Bret Taylor, 38, married to Kim (first and only wife), 3 boys Ryan, Caleb and Aaron. Aaron is our baby who looks much like my bald headed gnome on the game. In real life I'm a former church Youth Director and now I'm a Counselor, one of those real ones with the master's degree I will be paying for the rest of my life. I'm from Texas (yes the cowboy country) and live in sw Oklahoma now.

All my characters are male like me. My primary character is TC who is a level 36 elf hunter. I also play Ephesus a level 16 gnome mage. My wife Kim seldom plays but when she does she plays KT an elf Priestess.

My wow rule to live by - never flirt with other characters, she might be a he.
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I'll follow that up.

My name is David (Given that my actual name rhymes with my screen name, guess what my last name is), and I live in Bronx New York with my parents.
I'm 25 y.o., and am studying to be a psychologist.
(Actually, Bret, I'd like to email you for some advice about counseling degrees).
Let's see, not married, no children, been a believer since I was in Junior High.

I've got a dwarven hunter on Terenas called Onesiphorus who receives a lot of leather from Tc, as well as a really low level warrior on stonemaul named Borithane, in case you're over there as well.

WoW rule to live by: Remember, WoW is of no worth. Instead, let us level up our humility by grinding through the hardships that come in our great quest for the Lord, and count it all as pure joy.

Cheers, all, and keep running the race.
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w00t, I like where this is going. I am Adam (Allanon, lvl 60 Pally, Esua, lvl 56 Hunter) Guild Master of The Forgiven, and the Husband of Anita (Ryer, lvl 57 Hunter). We have 8 wonderful kids, 3 girls and 5 boys, ages from 14 to new born.
I'll chip in as well. I am Joe (no current character in WoW - don't even own the game yet;)) Married for 6 years and one 17 month old daughter. Currently live in Lethbridge, Alberta and am Exteriors Manager for a disaster recovery company to earn my living but am also a worship leader working lay leadership for now...hehe...oh, i also turn 29 a couple of days after I get back from my England/Scotland trip on the 23rd. Anything else? I'll add it later.
I don't like getting too personal, since this information is viewable by anyone.

I am a 28 year old single male from Los Angeles, California. I work at a game publisher in Santa Monica.

I play as Yahweh in the game, a Human Priest. I can walk on water, I heal the sick, and I can turn water into wine. My character name attracts a lot of whispers.

Example #1: "Doesn't your name violate the naming guidelines?"
Example #2: "Wow they let you keep that name? Cool."
Example #3: "Why is your name God in hebrew talk?"
Example #4: "Any particular reason why your name is God?"
Example #5: "There is now W sound in Hebrew, so your name is based on a improper translation of the Hebrew Bible. It should be Yahveh. ;) Have a nice day."
Example #6: "Hey God!"
I am Ken 27 years old, I think... (Nodlehs - 60 Hunter, various alts(on Alleria) Dagar - 14 Rogue(on Terenas) Guildleader of Virulence(started with a buddy before Trib started into WoW ;P) Husband of Lisa (51 Priest, Alleria). We have 2 boys(twins) who are just now standing, soon to make my life difficult with walking :) (15 months old, 2 months premature). I work as a programmer for Beginfinite coding anti-spam software for corporations.
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I am John, a 20-year old male who only plays male characters cuz he doesn't like getting hit on by oafish males (or any other males for that manner). I play Neirai, the immature but eternally helpful druid (LVL 43! getting there). I'm unmarried, and not looking, only praying and finding :) . I have known the Lord since I was about 5.
I have no set career yet, but I have been working the last 5 years on techno music (You can email me if you want a sample ;) ), and am planning on going into sound technologies at college in the near future.

WoW rule: Help those who need it, and just like in real life, remember that some people require help in more areas than just money and quests. "Whatever you do for the least[lowest level, most antisocial] of these, you do it for Me" --- Jesus
I'm Alan, 22 years old, married one year in 10 days to my beautiful
wife Xinny, and we're expecting our first child in a month and a
half. My main is a 60 undead mage named Lantern in Virulence
(Ken's guild) on Alleria, and I'm the self-styled events
co-ordinator for that guild. I have a 20 Dorf Rogue and a 22 Elf
Priest on Terenas, Sharps and Orinad by name. Neirai, who is my
brother, wishes that I would play way more on Terenas, and really
I have been trying.

Cya guys online ;)
My name is Shane, I am 35 years old... I have 8 kids (6 boys and 2 girls) the oldest being 16 and the youngest 2 years. My characters are Perin(Priest lvl60) and Randall(Warrior lvl55).