PROTIP: How Not to be a Mage


New Member
The subject line says it all. I have many (thousands of) hours playing my mage, which is my main, having now experienced all the current content many times over. And for raid spec mages, FFB is the standard and top DPS spec. What I find disconcerting is what I, and all other top performing FFB mages see on recount. I'm out-DPS'd by classes that should not be out-DPSing me. But they do because that's the direction Blizzard has decided to head...

Fact of the matter is I have most of the best in-slot pieces of gear in the game...

His armory:'Thul&n=Terin

1.) set bonuses are good
2.) he's at least 4 items short of being BiS ...some of which are some very important slots like the weapon; further BiS often depends on your spec. while his spell power is good, his crit % is absolutely miserable
3.) ffb is not the top dps spec for mages
4.) he's waaaaay over hit cap for arcane. at a dead minimum of ~2.5% to be self capped, but in reality he should only be at 8% (which means he's over by about 7.5%) in a raid
1. never get in a land war in Asia
2. never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.
That I have no idea what

1. BiS means
2. FFB means

I learned that lawn gnomes rule the grass knolls of Nebraska!

all gnomes rule everything. there's no need to qualify it with location or type :)

BiS is best in slot
FFB is frostfire bolt
Yeah, I've noticed my dps up slightly when I switched to 57/3/11 from the FFB spec. The numbers are prettier too, which gets me into more pugs...
I like frost I refuse to respec Arcane, I will not conform to the masses, I am a different Gnome...