Psalms and EV are back


As of Dec 05, there are no Private build areas on the EV and Psalms maps. to prevent greifing we're asking that you're ranked trusted or higher before u get access to them. Access them using the /warp command.

for EV, type "/warp ev"
for Psalms, type "/warp psalms"
for Exodus, type "/warp exodus"

I'll put up the rest of the maps later =D

If a guard or admin teleports you to one of these locations and u are not trusted, set a home there so that you can get back to it. type "/sethome" followed by the name you want to call it, ex "/sethome name". If you need to get back, just type "/home" followed by the name that you called it, ex "/home name"

The chests are also unlocked, so please do not raid other people's stuff, but feel free to lock your own chests "/cprivate" or "/lwc"