PvP Discussion

That has a 1 min 15 second CD. Your other alternative is blink, Ice Barrier, possibly Mirror Image for confusion, and hope for the best.

Well, a smart warrior would charge first, then i'd blink, then he'd intercept, so blink is down, Ice Barrier will do NOTHING against Bladestorm. it'll be gone in 1 hit. Ice Block has a 4 min CD with talents, so my bad on that. I think the idea would be, save Ice Block for it or have him polymorphed. Might work in Arena...not so much in a BG
Yeah, I thought you were talking about duels. In arena, your team mate needs to heal you through it, or peel the warrior off of you if possible, same with BGs. They are usually more about which group works together the best and reacts fastest than it is individuals.

EDIT: As to prot pally pvp gear absence... so? Dyin is a prot pally who uses the ret pvp gear, and they kill me using no cooldowns. That's the only pally I've ever had do that, and to rub salt on the wound they did it 3 times in a row, with me blowing everything I have.
I'm not saying that prot pallies aren't good at pvp, just that there isn't any gear that is designed for them like there is for the other 2 specs.
I mean, wouldn't they still just gear mostly the same as a ret for pvp anyway? Not like you'd worry about stacking D rating or anything.

Besides, it's at least probably better than Mage T10, which is LOADED with crit rating and blue gem sockets and mostly devoid of reds and haste.
I still can't beat Spriests, Disc Priests, Warriors, or Sub Rogues solo, and find Warlocks of any variety to just be a general pain and tend to have insanely long fights with them.

Don't feel bad. The following is a list of players I still can't beat 1v1 on my mage:

Disc Priests
Holy Priests
Shadow Priests
Prot Paladins
Holy Paladins
Ret Paladins
Fury Warriors
Prot Warriors
Arms Warriors
Assassination Rogues
Combat Rogues
Sub Rogues
Blood DKs
Frost DKs
Unholy DKs
Aff Locks
Destro Locks
Demon Locks
Enhance Shaman
Ele Shaman
Resto Shaman
Feral Druids
Resto Druids
Balance Druids
BM Hunters
Marks Hunters
Survival Hunters
Frost Mages
Arcane Mages
And other Fire Mages.
As far as Arenas go Frost is the only viable Arena spec. In a fight versus comparably geared mages who are fire or Arcane, you won't stand a chance. I'm not bragging it's just the simple mechanics of Arenas. A resto druid/warr team is almost unstoppable. You can't just burn either down, you really have to work hard on a druid, spellsteal any hot's he puts on himself until he innervates then spellsteal that b/c druids have stupid mana regen. Shadow priests only plus is Dispersion in arenas which essentialy keeps them in mana, the 3min cd on the disarm is mute, the 40sec silence is mute, if you can CC them, CS and burn them and have a healer who can heal or dispel past the dot's they are no trouble.

Our biggest trouble speaking from mine and Camm's team is disc priest, tree groups as healers w/ warriors or locks. The CC functions that a lock has in arenas is ridiculous

Rogues aren't much of any issue once you get past the initial blind, sap.
Arcane mages are actually pretty viable, and orange marmalade was an arcane mage when he won the 1 vs 2 against an arcane mage/disc priest.
I mean, wouldn't they still just gear mostly the same as a ret for pvp anyway? Not like you'd worry about stacking D rating or anything.

Besides, it's at least probably better than Mage T10, which is LOADED with crit rating and blue gem sockets and mostly devoid of reds and haste.

Except that one of our best single target damage attacks is based on our block rating. which str does help, but not as much as def and pure block. The pvp gloves buff is for crusader strike, something we don't even have.
Arcane mages are actually pretty viable, and orange marmalade was an arcane mage when he won the 1 vs 2 against an arcane mage/disc priest.

I could see Arcane being good in 5s, but I just don't see how the "hit and run" style of slowly chipping away at someone, waiting for the right procs would work in 2s, especially with nothing other than our wimpy mana shield to protect our fragile hp pools.

Ortheas: good point
Supposedly it's not bad in something like rogue/mage or maybe DK/mage, because the rogue/dk just spams CC to keep the enemy off the mage, and the mage does all the DPS.
I wouldn't mind setting up a night for guild pre-made BG's. Of course for the rounds we may lose, there will be forum redicule, but who cares?! I know there are plenty of guildies who enjoy some good PvP action. Maybe sometime during the for the double honor points.
I wouldn't mind setting up a night for guild pre-made BG's. Of course for the rounds we may lose, there will be forum redicule, but who cares?! I know there are plenty of guildies who enjoy some good PvP action. Maybe sometime during the for the double honor points.

Hey, just like our raiding policies, we should make it clear that a good attitude is a requirement and that our goal is to lift each other up, rather than the opposite.

I know a lot of us lack confidence in PvP, and feel like we're just one, lone, little gnome out there in a cold, angry Eye of the Storm. However, if we had 9, 14, 24 other guildies out there with us, having fun together, Old Spice Body Wash might bless us with another sun, and then we'd have DOUBLE SUN POWER!!!!!

Double Sun Power
I would do an Arena team, although I can't promise I will be very good at it. I really enjoy BG's, and would jump at the chance to do some as a guild. Nothing builds teamwork like bashing things in the face.
I just think a 5:00 to 6:00 server time of playing greater at entrance to ICC would be a blast!
I wouldn't mind setting up a night for guild pre-made BG's. Of course for the rounds we may lose, there will be forum redicule, but who cares?! I know there are plenty of guildies who enjoy some good PvP action. Maybe sometime during the for the double honor points.
Some premade BG's would be awesome. Time to start snapping necks and cashing checks :D
i like the premade bg's idea.

Personally I can't get any more upgrades from bg's, but I can help people out, and it's good for practice.

I try to run arenas every week. I've been doing 2v2's with ericin and sambeau lately.
Hey, just like our raiding policies, we should make it clear that a good attitude is a requirement and that our goal is to lift each other up, rather than the opposite.

I know a lot of us lack confidence in PvP, and feel like we're just one, lone, little gnome out there in a cold, angry Eye of the Storm. However, if we had 9, 14, 24 other guildies out there with us, having fun together, Old Spice Body Wash might bless us with another sun, and then we'd have DOUBLE SUN POWER!!!!!

Double Sun Power
Lol, how about

I'm on a horse.
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as an update on my pvp status, happymeals (DK) is currently pwning face every once in a while w/ a decent 800resil set, a 2v2 team w/ just me on it, and a desire to start doing arenas soon. Angrybro(priest) is sitting at 74 and will be disc pvp @ 80 also looking for high dps sweetness to roll around and pwn face with. need more double sun power