PvP is dead and rotting.

I'm not interested in recanting my rant in today's alliance chat discussion about PvP, honestly... however I'll point out some simple ideas.

  • I play Guild Wars primarily for the PvP side of the game, and find the HoH (HA) to be the most exciting of the PvP areas.
  • I get on Guild Wars to play only because I have a Christian guild/alliance that makes it enjoyable.
  • Most of the alliance has no experience with, or care for, PvP, excepting a select few who have just enough influence to organize more than a handful of people, but only do so once a week or so.

  • The alliance as a whole is amazingly unresponsive to efforts to organize PvP.
  • When I talk about PvP, I'm generally ignored (or at least given no response or comment), and alliance chat usually dies instantaneously.
  • When we do actually PvP, one or two losses usually deteriorates the team to the point of no use, making it useless to continue.
  • I honestly don't think my ability to use strategy and GW's skill system to make team builds is at all useful for our alliance or anybody in it (especially since I've never once tested a build with anybody from our alliance, even after constant babbling about builds I make after I make them. In fact the only team build I've ever tested was with a guild that I had absolutely no connection with, one member of which saw my build idea on the hosting website).

Essentially, I enjoy PvP and even despise PvE... yet the majority of the alliance either doesn't know what PvP is (slight exaggeration) or hates it. I am ignored when I mention anything about it and I can't seem to use any ideas I come up with to make the game enjoyable for me.
This makes me feel like I'm wasting my time on GW... I purchased the game to have fun and although I enjoy/love being with other Christians, I can be with the same Christians on TeamSpeak or just sitting on the game doing absolutely nothing at all. I would rather be enjoying PvP WITH my fellow Christians but it doesn't seem remotely plausible...

Any suggestions?
lots and lots of cookies.

For the most part the alliance as a whole is laid back IMO. The only way to get people to come is if they do so of their own will. I don't play GW any more because it got old waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting, uggh to get anything done. Unless you can get people to commit to something your gonna be constantly battling to get people to do stuff.
I believe we have tested one of your builds before. you are welcome to PvP when I organize events but your never on Tuesday or Friday nights although it has been quiet lately due to my work schedule.
I play mostly for the PvE, but have slowly been getting into more PvP (usually AB). Its harder to get into than PvE, because people tend to want more and the best (usually whatever wiki says is the best atm) builds and flip out if things aren't set exactly right -though oddly enough that has happened more while playing with guildies/alliance than with some random group. Which is why I don't often do HA, or Team Arenas for that matter. Nobody really cares about the build in AB, and they can't do anything about it in RA, so those are the two I tend to play the most.

Someday I'll get past the first human team in HA. But chances are, it won't be for a while. ;)
Ah we did test one build I think...
Although that's 1 build of at least 10 I've suggested ;)

I usually play RA and FA (I would play AB, which is pretty much my second favorite, but the waiting times have gotten out of hand)

Also I suggested the idea that we could monopolize JQ a few times and so far I've gotten few if any supporters :p
Maybe this is a more recent problem that you're referring to, but before this fall semester started when I disappeared from gaming, I recall having a pretty organized and constant PVP group at least once per week. We'd usually have more than enough players (forming two teams occasionally I believe), and we'd go at it for hours despite losses.

If that's faded, then it makes me sad. I was looking forward to getting into PVP again once I get resettled. I'll try to make it to as many nights as I can.

Maybe this is a more recent problem that you're referring to, but before this fall semester started when I disappeared from gaming, I recall having a pretty organized and constant PVP group at least once per week. We'd usually have more than enough players (forming two teams occasionally I believe), and we'd go at it for hours despite losses.

If that's faded, then it makes me sad. I was looking forward to getting into PVP again once I get resettled. I'll try to make it to as many nights as I can.


I doubt Amicus is referring to our organized PvP, because we have no problem putting together groups for our bi-weekly PvP nights. For instance, last night I was blessedly able to go to bed early (Yay for sleep, woot woot) because they already had a group of eight for PvP. I think he must be referring to PvP he attempts to organize outside of our organized PvP events.

Amicus - I can only speak for myself, but the reason I'm not around to play outside of our bi-weekly organized PvP is because I just don't have so much time these days to play any game in general. But if you want to organize something PvP-wise and announce it here at least a day or two ahead of time, I'll make an effort to budget the time to join up.

(Note to mod: This is a very PvP-specific thread - should it be moved to the PvP forum?)

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not enough pvp

I actually agree with you for the most part. I personally would do HA any night of the week that I am on (which is most nights for an hour or 2) HA is also my favorite pvp.

For those of you I personally have to say it is my favorite thing in GW. Don't be intimidated by losing when you first start. Keep going, ignore the mean comments, because it pays off! It makes you a better pve player as well.


Caro Baro - monk
Iam Still Is - ranger
I agree with Eladar Arkon, for those who aren't PVP inclined per say, joining groups for HA or other group PVP events can be little stressful, for one player's mistake can bring down the team. Which is also why I prefer AB, as it is more laid back. I am not suggesting that anyone here would flip-out if one of the players in the team was not performing up to par, yet it is understandably stressful when an experienced PVP player is trying to achieve something and another player keeps messing up. Just my thoughts..

I would LOVE to do more HA, GvG, etc. But, it is usually going on when I eat dinner or am already asleep. If you like PvP, but can't get a team together, try Hero Battles. It's you and 3 hero's against another player and 3 hero's. That way you can play against another person and show your skills by your hero builds. If you know what you are doing and are good, you rock. If not, you get pwnd.
I pretty much agree with everything you said. I feel the same way. I'd like to do more HA, but pugging is impossible unless you're high ranked which I don't think I'll ever be. I've asked for help and pugs on guru many times but each time I'm told to "go with your guild and shut up NOOOB!!" Well if your guild doesn't participate in HA that's not possible.

I'd love to do more HA or even TA. I don't care much for AB. Unfortunately even when the Tuesday and Friday events come around they are canceled half the time for lack of interest or they spend 2 hours trying to get a team together that by the time they are ready to start, I have to leave.

I know I'm not a very good PvP player at the moment and that adds to the frustration level. I want to get better, but I need lots more practice. I also get whiny and griping way more easily than I should in PvP. I'm very competitive and I want to go in with a team capable of winning, not just anyone who shows up. I know I picked on this one poor guy who didn't have all his attribute points and made him leave. (sorry)

LOL, but that isn't always possible. If just 5 people show up for the HA group then we beg and plead for a 6th, grab 2 heroes and go....find out 1 doesn't have HA unlocked and 1 doesn't have max armor.....beg and plead for 2 more....get 1 more interested...and then 3 people have to leave.

Ok, on a positive note. How about some nightly or at least 3 times a week TA groups? Amicus, Caro would you 2 be willing to do that. My ele or warrior could join you. I'm not the best player out there, but I'm willing to listen to advice and learn.
Amicus Dei of [FoG];265243 said:
[*] I play Guild Wars primarily for the PvP side of the game, and find the HoH (HA) to be the most exciting of the PvP areas.
[*] I get on Guild Wars to play only because I have a Christian guild/alliance that makes it enjoyable.
[*] Most of the alliance has no experience with, or care for, PvP, excepting a select few who have just enough influence to organize more than a handful of people, but only do so once a week or so.


[*] The alliance as a whole is amazingly unresponsive to efforts to organize PvP.

If you really wanted to do PvP, and you were online at 9 pm, why didn't you come to the SoE hall? We were putting together a group just like we do nearly every week on Tuesday (and Friday)...

And in general, if you try organizing or discussing PvP while there is already an eight person team trying for the Hall, you probably won't get much of a response. Pretty much everyone interested is probably on the team. And if we're doing HA, we don't have time to follow Alliance chat and discuss builds. We're busy not dying and killing the other team. (At least in theory...) :D
I must agree with Amicus. He sits and plans builds. He's sent me a link to about 50 of them, each with promise and looking fun (don't try to say NOT 50, because it's ATLEAST that). I have recently fallen away from Guild Wars, there is TONS i can do, but im dead tired (as in I'm really really really not care for at all, to the most extent) of running around by my self and/or with henchie's/hero's. I beat NF like that on my warrior so long ago. I can't stand NF at all anymore (of many reasons. THAT being the biggest). I really really just want more people to do stuff with, PvP or PvE. I'm so bored of that one fact (no group activity and if it is, it's for 15 mins) that it has so looked much better to acttualy find a non-Christian guild, get togeather and do an event, share the good news with non-Christians get kicked and move on, never settling down!
I like trying new builds but it takes very experianced players in PvP to change builds really fast and figure out how the build works. Most players get frustrated after 3 or 4 losses when your running a new build that will work you can lose 10 to 20 times before the build begans to work. Most players won't play for that long. The one thing I have found in PvP you have to find a build with some amount of success and just run it for awile and get some people some confidence and than maybe try a new build a few weeks later. So if you start a new PvP night use one of your builds and just run it for about a month and than switch. I am sure you will have more success. It has taken me about a year to have a handful of PvP members that can switch builds at will and play very well. Recently what I have done to try and get new people in PvP is not making a build and getting people to use a character class they are really familiar with and make a build like that. It has had reasonable success with about 1 to 5 wins a night. When starting out that is really really good. I used to pug a lot and I would stick with a team and lose for about 1 to 2 hours straight before we started winning. So that was like 10 losses before we would win one.